ClarionProject– In honor of the holy month of Ramadan, the Islamic State launched a Quran memorization competition, with slave girls as prizes.
Ramadan is a time of year where Muslims are meant to rejuvenate their faith. Memorizing the Quran is a considered a pious and worthy thing to do and many memorization competitions are held around the world, especially during Ramadan.
It is believed to be the month during which Mohammed received the Quran (specifically on ‘The Night of Power’). Reading the Quran during Ramadan is strongly encouraged.
The Islamic State put out the following notice advertising the competition in Al-Barakah province in Syria. Links to the chapters of the Quran that have been chosen for the competition are provided (the translation is the Sahih International version). The chapters selected by the Islamic State include some of the most warlike passages in the entire Quran. more
How sad is this…, that one has to chain one’s garbage bags together at the curb…, no.. Wait.. Those aren’t garbage bags.. My bad
Damn…..I burned all the Qurans this winter….damn it was cold.
As long as I don’t have to recite it back
in Arabic, I might just have a shot.
They escape this kind of hell by the boat load, and then demand their adopted country adopt this barbarity.
Watch out for the short ones in a burqha, you just might get a sheep or a goat or a child bride.
Negroes didn’t want to be slaves, but volunteer for the socialist Plantation.
City people move to the country, and complain that the roads suck.
People try to be pals with their kids, and wonder why they grow up to be shit bags.
“Swear there ain’t no Heaven, and Pray there ain’t no Hell.”
Do you get to check under the hood before being awarded your Delta Burkha?
@Tim – Blood, Sweat & Tears. David Clayton Thomas. Haven’t thought about that one for a long while. BIG Viet Nam tune. Thnx.
And when I die.. written by Laura Nyro…a genius, IMO.
I wonder if those under the garbage bags in the picture smell like my garbage I take to the street.
@Redskin re Laura Nyro – true dat, Kemosabe.
The poor creatures under the garbage bags have been beaten and raped so many times that their greatest hope of escape from their living hell is suicide. Did you not see that at least150 ISIS sex slaves — all Yzadi women and girls — killed themselves, and some of their bodies were fed to dogs (the Clarion Project recently reported). I prefer to save my criticism, sneer and snark for those who force these poor women into the garbage bags. My contempt is for that asshat MoHAMmad, the koran and the hadith, and anyone who reads and believes it.
Runner up prizes, for all contestants, is 72-virgins.
We need to develop a Bacon Virus, that makes those exposed to it to crave bacon.
Then we aerosol it and crop dust those shit holes.
@ Tired Mom. +1000
As long as were doing lyrics…”Here they come, walking down the street, get the funniest looks from everyone they meet.”
The only explanation for this treatment of humans is demonic. No one treats others like this unless they are demonics or oppressed.
And in Dearborn-istan…
Observing Islamic women is like watching a live performance of “Ghost” with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze.
It swallows you up and drags you straight to hell.
what about all the sex slaves in the whore houses around the world?