NEW YORK (World News Bureau) – Wednesday’s “Day Without Women” marches is being applauded by men across the country as being a tremendous success.
A sampling of comments:
“I wish we could do this every day. Literally, every angry heffalump in the place was gone today – it was wonderful,” said IT professional Drew Littleton. MORE
It is nice to always have the Bright Attractive women on our side.
Interesting that dem women are truly un-attractive & angry all the time.
I wish they would take more time off, then a business could see how useless they are.
Since their names were released with their comments, how many of the guys lost their jobs the next day?
“Interesting that dem women are truly un-attractive & angry all the time.”
Which is why they’re so easy.
If dudes weren’t wired to screw everything, lib women could disappear from the human race.
Damn you testosterone!
One guy wrote: “And there they were in all their glory, most of them looking like un-made beds, being reminded who they were and why they were here, by a big black guy with a bullhorn.”
“You’ve come a long way baby,” since you got your own cigarette.
Seems to me that back before feminists pushed women into the work force, and men’s clubs, and everything else men like to do together, the men were doing just fine.
It was a far better country back in the day when the women stayed home with the kids and the men all went to work to make this the greatest country on earth!