Men will be carrying babies soon – IOTW Report

Men will be carrying babies soon

(NEWSER) – For the first time ever in the US, a woman born without a uterus has given birth, Time reports. The baby boy was delivered via a planned Caesarean section in late November at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas; the historic birth was announced Friday. “We’ve been preparing for this moment for a very long time,” uterus transplant surgeon Dr. Liza Johannesson says. Baylor has completed eight uterus transplants as part of an ongoing clinical trial, but at least three have failed. The unidentified woman was the first to give birth with a transplanted uterus in the US and only the ninth woman in the world to do so, according to the Dallas Morning News.

Multiple surgeons at Baylor report crying during the birth. “It gives hope to women who didn’t feel like they had hope,” says Dr. Colin Koon, a member of the transplant team. The women in the clinical trial have absolute uterine factor infertility, which means their uterus doesn’t work or isn’t there, and many had grown up without hope of giving birth. Doctors say the uterus transplant procedure could also one day help women with other medical complications, such as cancer-related hysterectomies, give birth. “I have family members who struggled to have babies, and it’s not fair,” 36-year-old Taylor Siler tells Time. “I just think that if we can give more people that option, that’s an awesome thing.” Siler donated the uterus that made last month’s historic birth possible. The first attempt at a uterus transplant birth in the US failed due to a fungal infection last year at the Cleveland Clinic, WFAA reports.



Telegraph –

Society should prepare itself for the near arrival of the first babies born to transgender mothers, one of the world’s leading fertility specialists has said.

The science is now available to allow women who began life as men to receive donated wombs and attempt to begin pregnancy as early as “tomorrow”, according to Dr Richard Paulson, President of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

Dr Paulson said trans medicine had now become “mainstream” and that people who had undergone gender reassignment surgery would inevitably want to take advantage.

25 Comments on Men will be carrying babies soon

  1. If a human ear can be grown on a pig then where is the miracle here? This is just functioning parts transplanted for effect, remember the bearded lady/man was already prego. Maybe we can sow a penis to their forehead .

  2. @and one in the chamber: And who will reap that penis? Or was the “sow” the one who grew the human ear? And could you make a silk purse out of it?

    Inquiring deplorables want to know.


  3. Reminds me of an old Redd Foxx line, while sitting on his stoop drinking a beer a woman walking by and stopped took on look at his beer belly and said “If the stomach were on a woman I’d swear she was pregnant!”

    His reply….”Lady it was and she is!”

  4. There is nothing more dangerous than doctors with a god mentality. A veterinarian with such a complex not only killed my last dog but put her in misery for the last month of her life. I hate that miserable bitch.

  5. Speaking as a physician here: I have serious reservations about this procedure. We’re talking about a very invasive procedure to correct a “problem” which is nothing of the kind.

    A uterine transplant does not confer fertility. It merely allows for gestation. A fetus will still need to be implanted following IVF. If the transplant recipient doesn’t have functioning gonads (of either gender!) then we’re still talking about using donor sperm or ova. The transplant is pointless; it endangers the life of the recipient, when the same final result could be achieved faster, easier, cheaper, and with far less risk by simply using a surrogate.

    People die in surgery, every day. Even in minor procedures. This is not a minor procedure. We’re talking about putting someone at significant risk, just to give them an ego stroke. I’ve had plenty of people laid out on my autopsy table with a cause of death directly relatable to a prior surgery.

    (Ever watch a surgeon have to tell a husband that his wife died on the table as a random event during a voluntary gastric bypass for obesity? I have.)

    Obviously, I oppose “sex reassignment” surgery, for much the same reason. Performing major surgery on someone when it isn’t absolutely necessary to preserve life or limb is, in my opinion, unethical at the very least.

    If you want a baby, there are much easier ways to accomplish that goal than to have yourself cut open and have a dead woman’s uterus implanted in your body.

    This is just another round of pandering to the mentally ill. They’re using surgery in an attempt to correct a psychological problem. As such, it will be ultimately unsuccessful, as we’ve seen time and again over the last half century or so.

  6. Well, I cannot say what I’m thinking!!
    I was outraged enough with that Episcopal minister asking Christians to “pray for Prince George to be gay to force support for same-sex marriage in the Church of England.”

  7. Look, these wouldn’t be real men in the first place. Real men would suck at carrying a baby to term. Think of all of the miscarriages from pick-up football games. Not to mention, real men would lose all their friends. An example: “Hey Bob, you want to go bass fishing with me next Saturday and help me break in my new Evenrude?” “Sorry Stan, you know how sitting around all day makes my ankles swell. Maybe in 5 months or so.”

  8. How’s that cure for cancer coming?>>>
    Bing effin O.

    Why work on anything superfluous when we have disease to conquer?
    I can see helping women, but if this spills over into placating the mentally ill into thinking they are women, that would be a travesty.

  9. So who gets priority on the wait list for a uterus? People with XX chromosomes or people with XY? Anybody want to lay odds that trannies shoot to the top of the wait list? Because “fairness!”

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