Men without Mercy – IOTW Report

Men without Mercy

I normally wouldn’t post something like this because it seems unnecessary. Unfortunately, militant feminists and leftists make posts like this very necessary.

Here is a video of top men tennis players playing against top women tennis players. Are men and women the same?

The point isn’t to gloat.

The points are many, one of which is -can we end this silly debate about women’s pay in sports compared to men’s?

The consumer goes to where the best action is. Of, course women’s sports can be entertaining, but people intrinsically admire speed, power, stamina and all the traits that men excel at over women.

Of course there are stand out women athletes, but the average woman athlete is not as gifted as the average man athlete in areas that require power, speed, strength and endurance.

Can you imagine the top women’s hockey team competing against the top men?

Can you imagine that league competing against the men for viewership and advertising dollars? I can, because feminists, leftists and soy boy beta men that can’t tell the difference between a puck going 105 mph and one going 90 mph will simply demand the money flow “equitably.”

The second point gets harsher. Should women be paid the same as men when it’s not the public voting with their eyeballs, but an employer looking for output?

A golf course I once frequented thought it would be cute to have an all-women landscaping crew, figuring the men wouldn’t mind as much if they were interrupted by a lady in their backswing.

That lasted less than one season. The crew couldn’t produce the output men could produce. Should the owners turn a blind eye to facts in order to make the left feel better?

If men are faster, stronger and more powerful than women in sports, doesn’t it stand to reason that this translates to jobs that require the same attributes? Should women be paid the same? By law, yes. But is this fair?

ht/ petrus

38 Comments on Men without Mercy

  1. It’s one thing to pay women, minorities, whomever for the same results as men, and this can be true in many professions. You pay for the results – that is fairness.
    And if you cast fewer minorities or women as stars in shows because whites bring in more money, then that also is the reality of the marketplace.

  2. But, but Billy Jean King beat Bobby Riggs. I saw it with my own eyes. Are you telling me Bobby was old and broken down by that point or that the whole thing nothing but a pointless stunt?

  3. “Can you imagine the top women’s hockey team competing against the top men?”

    The US women’s team often compete against high school boys teams with mixed results. Of course, during these games, the rules are changed to make body checking illegal. These are the best women hockey players in the country and just damned good ones outright. However, even playing against 16 and 17 year old boys with players from local high school creates a challenge to the women. If the boys U17 National team played the Olympic women’s hockey team, the score would be 20-0. Even without hitting. Trust me.

  4. LOL!

    I notice that some of the women who are waiting for the serve are just standing there. They don’t look ‘ready’. And a couple of the guys, too.
    But, you know, don’t play your best- because cry babies.

  5. When my daughter was in middle school her soccer team got the snot beat out of them in a game with boys half their size and half their age. That’s life.

  6. There are women that can be a better firefighter or soldier than I could ever be at any point in my life.
    But overall, men are faster and stronger than women. It’s science. The problem is leftists and feminists think it’s social construct, and somehow unfairness has been orchestrated by evil men.

    We don’t mean to be stronger and faster, honest.

  7. We should re-edit all those old movies where the couple is running away from the monster and the woman falls down exhausted.
    The guy shouldn’t go back to help the woman.
    He should yell, from a distance, “I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings by implying you need the help of a man!!!!!!!! See ya!!!!”

  8. It’s always a hoot when your 12 year old son ends up in a wrestling match with a girl. It’s happened about 4 times. I’ve always told both my boys, no mercy, pin her fast and get off the mat. Actually had one mother complain that one of my sons was to aggressive with her daughter.

  9. I watched some women’s college basketball Final Four championship last week.
    The women are far less fluid in their motions, far less athletic.
    Their ball is a bit smaller than the men’s, but they are far more awkward in their motion.

  10. You are correct, Fur! Hear, hear. (Eventually, the children destroyed by trannie doctors will reveal themselves, also, and…. ….the pendulum will swing back. It always does.)

    In the meantime, are you going to believe the progs, or your own lying eyes — and minds! ….Lady in Red

  11. But we are no longer feral beasts, relying on muscle and bones, with maybe a few sticks and stones, to define our culture, our great culture. If a woman can convince a man to beat her athletic rival’s knee with an iron pipe, why shouldn’t she win? She was smarter than the rest. If a group of women hire a group of men to steal the male team’s wallets, stand behind them during the “competition” and shoot any that don’t take a dive, and keep the change, until the next game, when it can all be “played” again, shouldn’t the women win? After all, they again, are smarter. And aren’t those men with guns, those men taking the other mens’ wallets, also smarter? Better? Winners at the “game” of life?

  12. Now me….? Ah says, batting my loong eye lashes, “Ah always rely on the kindness of (big, strong, handsome men) strangers…..” ….smile.. ….Lady in Red

  13. I coached my daughter’s grade school soccer.
    – First grade – Co-ed soccer was okay
    – Second grade – Co-ed soccer was okay
    – Third grade – Danger – Better separate the boys from the girls because the boys are too rough and too tough

  14. Geoff C. The Saltine

    My youngest still dates one of those young girls. Just to catch up I think he was 10 when that match took place. I come home from work one night and I have this familiar looking girl in my house flirting with my 10 year old. Since then we have gotten to know the parents, love he girl. And my son can’t see the Forrest for the trees. I’m so pissed and he’s an idiot.


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