Menendez May Only Face One Count of False Filing – IOTW Report

Menendez May Only Face One Count of False Filing

The prosecution rested on Wednesday leaving the presiding judge, William H. Walls,  to consider whether to throw out all the bribery related charges and continue to prosecute Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) for “making false statements on his congressional financial disclosures.”

The determination rests on a Supreme Court ruling in the Virginia Bob McDonnell case that sets a narrow standard for demonstrating the gifts given for favors are actually connected.


The false statement charge could still land Menendez behind bars.


13 Comments on Menendez May Only Face One Count of False Filing

  1. No way we’re the Dems ever going to put a Senate seat in jeopardy. And no way was the GOPe going to be put in the position of running a candidate for that seat. Not with Bannon roaming loose.

  2. Laws are written to promote corruption.
    “Insider Trading” – exempt.
    Corruption in Legislation – exempt (recall the min. wage bill promoted by Pelosi but exempting Samoa? Where her husband’s tuna interests are?).
    Fashioning Legislation to facilitate family interests – exempt (recall Waters and her husband’s banking interests?).
    Abusing the Byzantine tax structure to steal from the American people – exempt (recall the thousands of pages of shit that ooze from the “Tax Committee” which exempt certain, unnamed businesses and enterprises from Federal taxation for varying periods, which were repaid in “campaign” contributions?).
    “Investing” in vaccines prior to the FedGov “reacting” to some imaginary “crisis” – exempt (recall Obola, Axelrod, Jarrett, and others making $millions off of inconsequential “investments” in the Avian flu vaccine?).
    Shaking down corporations and people for $millions through threats of “regulatory” discretion – exempt (recall Fauxahontas Warren and the $millions she’s amassed without having ever had a job?).

    On and on and on …

    izlamo delenda est …

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