Menendez Uses Last Refuge of a Democrat Scoundrel – IOTW Report

Menendez Uses Last Refuge of a Democrat Scoundrel

Daily Caller

New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez denied all allegations against him Friday after being indicted on bribery offenses in the Southern District of New York, blaming racism for being charged. More

26 Comments on Menendez Uses Last Refuge of a Democrat Scoundrel

  1. Menendez is the unlucky sacrificial Libtard. They’re going to prosecute the shit out of him so Conservatives can’t claim the DOJ is highly partisan. And to draw attention away from J6 and Trump.

  2. He’s been a Senator since 2006 so the $480,000 stuffed around his house comes out to $28,235.29/yr ($2,359.94/mth). Certainly could just be savings out of the family’s butter and egg money – especially on a Senator’s salary. And they get bonuses for Committee assignments and extra for Chairmanships, &c.

    How much do you imagine Nancy Pelosi, Mad Max Waters, McConnell, Schumer, Nadler, Clinton, Mittens, Manchin, Biden, and Obola have stashed? Probably a fuckload more than a measley half-million.

    Point is, I knew an AC man who kept some $250,000 laying around his house because he didn’t trust banks – and he made a helluva lot less than a Senator (did a lot of side work, too).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Reasons for Menendez’s troubles:
    1) Impeachment distraction
    2) J6 and Trump distraction
    3) Even handed justice from DOJ
    4) Criticized xiden’s Iran deal
    5) Supporter of Israel
    6) Racism

    The fact that he’s a corrupt sleazeball has nothing to do with him being indicted for being a corrupt sleazeball!!

  4. I’m surprised that he blamed his lack of moral and ethical behavior on his race, and not a lack of human decency. If I suggested that, I would be crucified. Hispanics should be horrified. Yup.

  5. Anon reads like a demented AI. I suggest not interacting with it so you’re not helping it become a better troll.

    My theory is the party has decided to clear the Menendez case early to make allowance for all the Biden corruption yet to come. They’d rather lance the boil now and let the infection drain on the senator rather than add it’s corruption to the bigger Biden carbuncle. The party can survive a couple of long drawn out affairs but won’t fair so well if these two drag into November of next year.

  6. Menendez has been a subject of countless investigations and has always managed to land on his feet. We all know he is a worthless piece of shit, and perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in DC, but why should this time be any different than all the others? Even money says he walks.

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