Mentally ill, or one the Best Trolls of the Current Lunatic Left? – IOTW Report

Mentally ill, or one the Best Trolls of the Current Lunatic Left?

Man tells police he is a black transgender woman.

They want to take him away to psych ward.

Why? Why aren’t they carting away other men who insist they are women?

10 Comments on Mentally ill, or one the Best Trolls of the Current Lunatic Left?

  1. I identify as a 65 year old black pregnant lesbian.
    And I want my social security, ebt, welfare, reparations, and back-child support now (I’ve been carrying this child {fat gut} for over 30 years).
    Well, okay, I don’t always identify as a 65 yo black pregnant lesbian, just Monday through Saturday. On Sundays I identify as a blackhawk helicopter.
    And yes I have told my pastor these things, he just shakes his head.

    This guy was master level trolling on a scale far higher than any chess board: he now has perfect grounds for legal action against his sister and the local authorities.

  2. As You Tube family moments go, that ones a real humdinger! 15 years from now his 18 year old daughter is gonna say:
    ” Ya wanna know why I’m AFU? Here watch this! “

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