Mentally Unstable Jim Carrey Says America Must Go Socialist… Like Canada – IOTW Report

Mentally Unstable Jim Carrey Says America Must Go Socialist… Like Canada

“We have to say yes to socialism — to the word and everything. We have to stop apologizing.” – Jim Carrey
On Friday’s Real Time show on HBO, liberal host Bill Maher and actor Jim Carrey celebrated recent Democratic candidates running on far-left platforms and identifying themselves as “socialists,” leading Carrey to proclaim: “We have to say yes to socialism — to the word and everything. We have to stop apologizing.”
As Maher turned the discussion to the midterm elections and the successful primary campaigns of candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the liberal comedian rejoiced that Democrats are moving to the far left on issues:

And they did it with unabashed liberal proposals — Medicare for all, ending student debt, a different approach to the war on terror, ending mass incarceration. It seems like if there is a — maybe shining spot in this Trump tragedy, it’s that it’s made the Democrats sort of rediscover who they are.

A bit later, he lamented that Democrats have not not done a good enough job of countering Republicans complaining that they are running on a “socialist” platform.

Carrey soon referred to his childhood in Canada and spoke in favor of socialism:

I grew up in Canada, okay, we have socialized medicine. And I’m here to tell you that this bullshit line that you get on all of the political shows from people is that it’s a failure – the system is a failure in Canada. It is not a failure, and I never waited for anything in my life. I chose my own doctors. My mother never paid for a prescription — it was fantastic.

And I just got back from Vancouver, and I keep hearing, “Canadians are so nice — Canadians are so nice.” They can be nice because they have health care — because they have a government that cares about them that doesn’t say, “Sink or f—ing swim, pal, or you live in a box.” There are certain people in our society that need to be taken care of.


Here’s a commenter on Newsbusters-

I noticed, as usual, Maher didn’t challenge any of Carry’s claims.

Carrey on Canada’s HC system : “It is not a failure, and I never waited for anything in my life. I chose my own doctors. My mother never paid for a prescription — it was fantastic.’

Never waited for anything??

“Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2017 Report”

“Specialist physicians surveyed report a median waiting time of 21.2 weeks between referral from a general practitioner and receipt of treatment”


“This year, Canadians could expect to wait 4.1 weeks for a computed tomography (CT) scan, 10.8 weeks for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, and 3.9 weeks for an ultrasound.”

My PCP ordered each of these for me last year and I received each of them within a week.

Oh, and HC is free in Canada??

Try again!

“The average Canadian household spends $2000 on health care costs and $4000 on private insurance premiums. 65% of Canadians have some form of private health insurance most often provided through their employers.”

Sound familiar??

Oh, and on Jim’s mother’s “free prescriptions”??

“The serious flaw in Canada’s healthcare system: prescription drugs aren’t free”

“But his legislation [ proposed legislation in 2017] would aim to go further, addressing a critical shortcoming: that Canada is the only developed country in the world with a universal healthcare system that does not cover essential medications.”

Jim, you are totally ignorant about Canada’s HC system or you are purposely lying or both.

I bet it’s both!


38 Comments on Mentally Unstable Jim Carrey Says America Must Go Socialist… Like Canada

  1. Our Constitution actually prevents “States”, actually guarantees states protections from Socialism. It’s true. So why hasn’t any body pointed this out? A Constitutional Republic and Socialism are incompatible. Is this why they want our guns so bad? it turns out, the Zombie Apocalypse is real after all. They’re called Libtards.

  2. People such as him thrive due to lawlessness. Lawlessness is extremely contagious. That’s how it is killing us: the nation dies as the rot spreads. Either it will die forever or a very hard and bloody reset will take place, which at best can save only part of it: about 50% of Americans are profiting in some way from the rot. How can you convince them they need to save themselves from what’s coming? How do you convince people to escape what’s coming when they’re enjoying it? How do you help save people who don’t believe there’s anything to be saved from, except maybe from people like you?

    You can’t. All you can do is look to your own house.

  3. I would feel different if this ungrateful dual-holding citizenship jackass just played his personal mental illness live. He than was funny. Now, just irrelevant insulting OUR COUNTRY for ratings. Trump cannot even get thanks for an ass hat like this needing and depending on him in an attempt to get a paycheck. Without Trump, go ahead, unemployment is your future, and your delusion of an economic future. BTW Jim, your new show like your old show sucks! Hopefully you don’t kill your next fiance.

  4. A Canadian coming to America, to get rich, and try to turn America into his dream of Epcot Canada? About as hard to believe as a Somali coming to America, to get rich, and try to turn America into his dream of Epcot Somalia.

  5. Gee Wally, if it’s so good in Canada, why is he here?

    Cuz Beave, nobody pays an outta work Hollywood loser to push their agenda like the Commies do!

    Yeah Wally, I’ll be he hangs out with Sally Struthers a lot too!

  6. UPDATE!

    Wealthy man who promotes citizens to be at each other’s throat over race, gender, sex, income, politics, says we must be like a family and share resources.


  7. Notice please what Jim’s frame of reference is…he was a child when he saw the wonder of socialism. How it provided everything anyone could want, for FREE!

    The problem is apparent, the child does not see the bills that the parents pay, or know the delay that crushes the mother’s heart or hear what is said by adults behind the closed doors about the problems to big for young ears.

    And here we have the explanation for why grown adults idolize a system that crushes and destroys every time it is inflicted upon humanity.
    Those who profess it is wonderful fall into two categories:
    1. Children who have never matured either through a “Peter Pan” myopia that excludes the rough realities of the world, or a physical or mental defect that prevents the person from growing and/or learning (I believe Jim fits nicely into sub cat 2)
    2. Adults who are predators. Those who know the socialist/communist system KNOW that it requires managers/bosses/dictators to rule over the children, and we have many who see themselves as perfectly qualified to rule over others.

    THIS will not end well, because there are another group of people who also know what socialism/communism is, and know what liberty is as well. Those are the people who will NOT go quietly into that dark night, they will NOT accept the idea that someone else has the authority to live their lives for them. These two disparate groups can only coexist under freedom, when socialism/communism encroaches then coexistence will no longer be possible.

    This will NOT end well, especially for those who are children (both the young and the old foolish kind).

    MSG Grumpy

  8. I have no problem with morons … uhh … people who want “socialism.”
    Have at it!

    Just leave me out.

    Oh! It has to be coerced? It has to be implemented at the point of a gun? Socialists are required to kill any and all who resist this “utopia?” Well, there’s the turd in the punchbowl, isn’t it? Similar to izlam, if you have to join under threat of death, the thing probably isn’t worth joining, huh? Ever think of that? Do what you like – but leave me alone.

    You have no moral claim to my life, my labor, my loyalty, or my acquiescence.

    Socialism cannot – CANNOT – exist without force – PERIOD.
    Freedom must die. Liberty must die. MUST! Not “may” – MUST.

    Look at the Euro-Trash assholes across the Atlantic – look at the Chinks – look at Africa – look at South America – they all look death and starvation in the face – EVERY SINGLE DAY. They live in mortal fear of their “governments” – EVERY SINGLE DAY. We caught a glimpse of America under the heel of socialist tyranny for 8 years with Obola at the helm – and it was a dismal time of theft, corruption, death, decay, and growing hostility. Those politically connected got richer and those who worked got poorer – if they had work at all. Dependence on welfare skyrocketed, health insurance became a joke, and health care suffered.
    Have we learned nothing?
    Can we not perceive Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Germany, England, Italy, and France?

    Jim Carrey is a lying asshole – no child “chooses” his doctor – total fucking bullshit. If Canada is so great, leave all your money here and GO BACK!
    Pretty fucking simple, even for a simpleton.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. You sucked in The Truman Show and you suck as a rational human being as well. PS, you were never funny not even in Ace Ventura. And Jerry Lewis was funnier than you. Why don’t you move to France, the cheese eating surrender monkeys might appreciate you more than we do.

  10. At one point in the video Bill Maher says, “The Pentagon says, ‘We don’t want these tanks’ and they build them anyway. If that isn’t Socialism, I don’t know what is.”

    So here’s Maher admitting that Socialism is all about governmental control and the waste of time, money, and resources.

    Keep talking, Bill.

  11. It costs $35,000 average per prisoner to live in a box behind bars and get 3 squares per day.
    Assuming socialism costs the same, which it will cost a lot more, but assuming it is the same…
    35,000 x 350million people =

    $12,250,000,000,000 per year.

    $12.25 TRILLION. What a deal. My only question, who is going to pay for that when no one is working anymore since everything is a right under socialism?

  12. I thought he said he was going to treatments for alcohol, drug, and depression for a long time now. Is he doing that in Canada?
    And wasn’t he living in a car or a dumpster as a teen?
    I thought socialism prevented that sort of thing.
    Let’s see…

    Demands socialism.
    Failed artist.
    Mental problems.
    Has an obsession with blaming and destroying a group of people.
    Accuses others of shit he’s doing himself.

    When does he sprout the teeny mustache?

  13. Brazil has the so called Universal Health System.
    About two months ago my aunt had a second stroke. They took her to the hospital. She was unconscious. They placed her in a normal room and told my cousin that she needed to get a judicial order, so they could START looking for a place for her in an ICU unit. That’s the norm, my cousin told us on the phone, so she went all over searching for a judge who would see her and take pity on her. She got it. Two days later, under judicial order, they found a bed in the ICU in another hospital. They moved my 81 year old aunt there.
    Next day she died.
    This was in Rio de Janeiro, one of the major and rich cities in Brazil.

    They have big problems already and lately they have to deal also with thousands of Venezuelans fleeing the Socialism people like Jim Carrey helped to promote and implant in Venezuela.

  14. Why didn’t Maher ask him: “Why are you here?”
    “You’ve already turned your back on your Mother country, so what’s keeping you from emigrating to, say, Venezuela? Or Cuba?”

    I smell hypocrisy!

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. If I’m not mistake Jim Carrey was a product of the welfare system growing up. Of course he got everything free.
    We have the system here too Jim, it’s called illegal aliens and deadbeats who get everything free, that the rest of us pay for.

  16. Jim C has hopped onto Patagonia’s Yvonne Chouinard’s America must go socialists because it’s better bandwagon.
    I don’t have any use for either of them nor their ideas & products.

  17. Carrey knows fuck all about the Canadian Medicare system. It’s not surprising as it’s been decades since he’s lived there. Carrey is a product of the Hollywood mindset and is America’s problem. I’ve said before that Canada’s system isn’t the shining example on how things ought to be but it’s not a smoking hole in the ground either. I read stories about how Canadians with dough will fly down south and get that new knee in a week and I say that’s great because someone here moved up one spot and a hospital down south got to charge the full book and not have to take a cutback because the Insurer or Claim Processor fight tooth and nail on the bill. Up here, somebody on a waiting list will move to the top if the condition is or becomes life threatening or in the case of artificial joint replacement mobility has been compromised or waiting would case far greater damage. The feds don’t pay for drugs, dental, physio (unless prescribed by a doctor and then he/she has to justify their decision), psych, opticians, podiatrists, chiro etc etc etc. Private coverage is making it’s way more and more into the system sometimes because of a lawsuit, sometimes because a politician recognizes reality. Oh, and it’s not tax free but they usually have a different name for it such as “Fair Share Health Levy” the province hits you at tax time. You pay higher general income tax (and so does your employers) so don’t let anyone ever tell you it’s free. Having said all of that it’s nice to know that if you throw a stroke you’ll get first class treatment (including free ambulance rides, woohoo!) as well as after hospital rehabilitation without worrying about whether you’d tap out your insurance max or some massive co-insurance or your insurer declining coverage for some weird reason). Like I said, not perfect, not the ideal but not bad and working to incorporate private with public to make it better. Of course that asshole Trudeau could wake up some morning and decide to stick his limited intellect into the discussions and destroy everything.

  18. Canada’s health system is good only for simple things, like fixing a broken arm. My wife and I were in Saint John, NB a few years ago and had a conversation with a lady who ran a t-shirt and souvenir shop. She was a cancer patient and complained bitterly about the care she was receiving. Canadians who need serious treatment and can afford it, come to the US. Liberals fool themselves constantly and facts don’t get in their way.

  19. @Tim Buktu; Hi Tim. I’m sure that woman had her problems but when I had a heart attack 11 years ago the treatment I received was the best. Then two years later when I had to have Mitral Valve repair (open heart) it was done by arguably the best cardiac surgeon for that type of surgery in North America (surgeons from the world compete to spend a rotation on his service). I’m sure this woman you talked to had some valid complaints but when faced with something like cancer even the smallest things can seem huge. I know, I had two sisters who had and beat the bastard.

  20. Hi SCR. Good to know. I meant no disrespect.

    I’ll be vacationing 2x in Canada next year, so I am counting on the doctors up there to do a good job if I get sick or injured.

  21. SCR…while in Saint John, I was hoping to find a T shirt with the NB emblem, a wooden sailing ship, which I think is pretty cool. They didn’t have one like that. I ended up with one that says Saint John, Moose League, with a picture of a moose on it.

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