Mentally Unstable Sally Kohn Says Flanagan’s Actions Borne Out of Justified Victimization – IOTW Report

Mentally Unstable Sally Kohn Says Flanagan’s Actions Borne Out of Justified Victimization

-{Flanagan} was mentally unstable AND appears to acted out of sense of victimization i have no reason to believe not justified

– equating the gay pride flag with the confederate flag is morally offensive and historically insane.

-conservatives deny disparities in income, education, housing etc have anything to do w/ bias against black community

-BUT the minute black person commits a crime, suddenly conservatives ascribe THAT experience to entire black cmmty

-I am NOT defending the killer. I’m defending the black community that is being explicitly blamed for his crime.



Wasn’t the entire south, as well as white people, blamed for the Church Shooting? I do believe the confederate flag disappeared within 24 hours.

The disappearance of that flag did nothing to stop a gay, black guy from shooting 2 straight white people for no reason whatsoever other than rage, rage that Sally Kohn says was justified.

In a just world it would be Sally Kohn who received the bullets that she felt were justified.

30 Comments on Mentally Unstable Sally Kohn Says Flanagan’s Actions Borne Out of Justified Victimization

  1. I listened to an interview this morning with a station manager who hired and fired him. He fired him because he was becoming combative with other coworkers, being unreasonable, demanding, and seemed to be setting himself up for a lawsuit against the station. He was gay but didn’t want that to be known. He was upset about that as well. The guy was whacked out, self loathing. There’s no defense for the guy.

  2. Wasn’t the entire South, as well as ALL white people, blamed for the institution of Slavery, which has existed since the beginning of time, and utilized by EVERY race and culture which has EVER existed?

    And weren’t negroes sold to the Arab Traders, INTO slavery, by other negroes?

    Go soak your head, Sally.
    You need to cool down the stupid.

  3. “equating the gay pride flag with the confederate flag is morally offensive and historically insane.”

    History of the gay flag:
    1. Mental cases running around naked in public shouting pride.
    2. ? (Awaiting history)

  4. It shouldn’t be coming as a surprise that the progressives will be coming out of the woodwork to either disassociate themselves with this murderer or to try to sort of justify his actions by giving some credence to his ravings and actions. They’ll try both routes until they see which one works best. This dyke progressive lawyer was given the latter task but could just as easily been given the former which she would have also tweeted about. No shame with these classless leftists.

  5. It’s not just this despicable crunt, but alot of other mentally unstable people out there…


    I posted elsewhere an innocuous snark, “Oh, another Social Justic Warrior Democrat.”

    …and nitwits came out of the air like mosquitos:
    “SO! “Democrat” is code word for black! You’re racist!”

    I kid you not.
    The Left really IS burning itself out.
    Will take many more years, but I want to believe the world will swing in our favor again.
    Not easily, not quietly, but it WILL.

  6. The reporting on every dead Black male ALWAYS includes the “UNARMED Black man/teen” reference, over and over and over again.

    I haven’t heard any reference in the media to Flanagan as an “ARMED Black man. ” What I have heard is every radio news report yesterday afternoon describing him FIRST in terms of his feeling victimized and alienated, then as the man who shot the journalists.

  7. “An ARMED homosexual negro gunned down and murdered two UNARMED heterosexual white people while they were doing their jobs as the ARMED, murderous, homosexual negro videoed them.”

    Think you’ll see THAT headline?

  8. “-BUT the minute black person commits a crime, suddenly conservatives ascribe THAT experience to entire black cmmty”

    “-I am NOT defending the killer. I’m defending the black community that is being explicitly blamed for his crime.”

    Other side of coin:

    -BUT the minute a crazy person commits a crime with a gun, suddenly liberal democrats ascribe THAT experience to entire gun-owning community.

    -I am NOT defending the killer. I’m defending the lawful gun-owning community that is being explicitly blamed for his crime.

    …………So SUCK IT, Sally. You’re a hypocrite with an agenda.

  9. Here’s the really sad truth in my opinion.

    Let’s play a game. It’s called Liberal Permutations and Combinations aka the Liberal Blame Game. In the end liberals get to choose the best scenario to suit the Liberal Progressive agenda.

    Scenario 1. . Straight black man shoots white woman and white man. Liberal answer: he was driven to it because he was racially picked on and because of the recent Charleston tragedy. Also blame the gun.

    (Real) Scenario 2. Gay black man shoots white woman and white man. Liberal answer: he was driven to it because he was racially picked on and because of the recent Charleston tragedy. He was also driven to it because he was discriminated against because he was gay. Also blame the gun.

    Now it gets really interesting

    Scenario 3. Straight white man kills black woman and black man. Liberal answer: White on black hate crime. Obama, Holder, Lynch, Jackson, and Sharpton get involved. Riots ensue. White man must go into identify protection program. White man accused of war on women. Gun control is raised.

    Scenario 4. Gay white man shoots black woman and black man. (This is where liberal heads start to explode). No hate crime mentioned because the man is part of a protected status group by being gay, but it’s still a racially motivated hate crime because he’s white. What’s a liberal to do? Sharpton and Jackson get involved and riots still occur because skin color trumps sexual orientation. US administration says nothing except gun control is raised again.

    There are even more scenarios but I’m sure you get the picture.

    Summary. In the Liberal world as long as you’re part of one or more protected status groups it’s always someone else’s fault… even if that someone else is an inanimate object. We need to live in a world where everyone is personally accountable for their actions. The current US administration has further divided the country along racial lines. There have been many opportunities lately where politicians have had the opportunity to further discuss racial issues in a positive way but all we’ve seen is more whipping-up of hatred – along with the usual suspects Sharpton and Jackson of course. From Florida to Baltimore to St Louis to California, and many points in between, racial hatred is escalating. This special treatment to certain members of society at the expense of others must stop. Only then will we achieve true equality.

  10. I am hearing that the girls father is a liberal anti gun whacko that is already spewing the ole “gun did it” routine. His daughter is not even in the ground yet and he is on the liberals battlefield waging war. Im glad I was not bothered by these executions.

  11. Hell, her heartbroken fiancee has already made the news with the no-more-guns but. If it were me, I couldn’t do that the next day. It’s like there’s an agenda or something that is everso more important than personal grief or anything to do with propriety within the ‘news’ community. Who knew.

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