Merchan Rules Jury Doesn’t Have to Agree on What Crime Was Committed to Convict Defendant – IOTW Report

Merchan Rules Jury Doesn’t Have to Agree on What Crime Was Committed to Convict Defendant


Yes, you read that correctly…. The jurors do not need to believe a crime was committed in order to convict Trump of unlawfully hiding a crime he never committed.  Let that insufferable Lawfare logic sink in.

18 Comments on Merchan Rules Jury Doesn’t Have to Agree on What Crime Was Committed to Convict Defendant

  1. Just another piece of the prophcey puzzle going into place.

    Rom 1:21  Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 
    Rom 1:22  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 

    2Ti 3:13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 

  2. A couple of the jurors are democRAT lawyers and this is direct messaging to them! Along with that I’m pretty sure they are messaging the jurors in many other ways… it would be a shame if that book deal fell thru, wouldn’t it?

  3. So essentially he is allowing jurors’ FEELINGS to decide Trump’s fate. If there is a conviction, it should be overturned within an hour by a sane court. SOB. Every dog gets his day.

  4. Merchan’s and Bragg’s marching orders are to just get a conviction. It doesn’t matter what the crime is. It doesn’t matter how they get it. It doesn’t matter if the conviction will be overturned on appeal – as this one surely will. Comrade Joe needs his (bumbling) sound bite.

    These people are scum. And you may want to keep in mind that it can also happen to you.

  5. This should float like a lead balloon.

    100 men need to show up at the trial and declare “My name is Donald Trump. Are you going to convict me”?

    That should tie all their panties in knots while they take over a year trying to figure it all out.

  6. Fifteen minutes after the verdict’s read…..”I Cannot in good conscience debate a convicted felon…GOOD GOD MAN he’s a CONVICTED FELON!!! No JOKE!”

    Mark my words.

  7. Merchan and his paymasters know this will all get overturned. They just want to claim Trump is a convict in their campaign ads and use it to try to stop his next term from getting anything done.
    It’s not working.

  8. The jury was set to convict him before they ever sat down. Biden will make a statement after the verdict. I predict he cannot, in good conscience, debate a CONVICTED FELON!

  9. No place for criminal law, statutes, judicial conduct.

    No longer must jurors be required to have a unanimous decision.

    The rules don’t apply to Trump. The FIX is in.

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