Merkel caught on hot mic griping to Facebook CEO over anti-immigrant posts – IOTW Report

Merkel caught on hot mic griping to Facebook CEO over anti-immigrant posts



The Facebook CEO was overheard responding that “we need to do some work” on curtailing anti-immigrant posts about the refugee crisis. “Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted. – Story Here

13 Comments on Merkel caught on hot mic griping to Facebook CEO over anti-immigrant posts

  1. FTA: “In the past, the social network has come under suspicion for suppressing or deleting posts and groups that advocate unpopular beliefs.”

    And now they’ll be deleting posts and suppressing groups that advocate popular beliefs. Huh.

  2. So shtbook has taken it upon themselves to shape society to their liking.

    phuk them

    it’s just another part of msm. no different.
    i joined about five years ago and then deleted my membership about six months later. I want nothing to do with that pos site.

  3. I’m still amazed that people think Zuckerburg is some kind of genius. He stole the MySpace idea and he and a few friends made it better and launched it at the same time internet valuations were going through the roof, sold ads on some sort of airy targeting solution they had then went public, while withholding some information regarding their actual performance and made billions. That’s it. He was in the right place at the right time and grabbed the right idea and that’s all he’s done since then. Except for using the market raised money to buy other companies thus showing increases in sales. From what I’ve read people are now dropping off Facebook, visiting fewer times, a slower rate of signups and ad revenue is declining because the targeted ads don’t seem to drive clients sales upwards. Doesn’t matter I guess, he made his money and heads of state come to him for advice. What utter crap.

    Seems Merkel isn’t that conservative after all especially when she wants someone to “do something” about negative comments about her policies. Don’t kid yourself, she’s not pissed people are making negative comments about this Muslim Migrant Wave, it’s because she’s being called out for her destructive policies.

  4. Facebook equates to the government having a spy in every household that uses it.
    I can see where it would be a helpful tool for a business, but people are fools if they use it mainly to communicate with family and friends.

    Facebook and Google are not your friends. They would hand all of your data over to isis in a heartbeat just to try and save their own faggot asses.

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