Merkel Pulls Weird 180˙and Bans the Burka – IOTW Report

Merkel Pulls Weird 180˙and Bans the Burka

She open the floodgates for tens of thousands of refugees to overrun German nationals, destroying the country.

Now she bans the burka.

Merkel is up for reelection.

Angela Merkel calls for Germany BURKA BAN saying ‘the full veil is not appropriate here’ in astonishing U-turn

13 Comments on Merkel Pulls Weird 180˙and Bans the Burka

  1. It’s just phase II. She’s imported the rabble, now it’s time to stir them up and burn Germany down. It’s the Reichstag fire all over again, the “only solution” will be more Draconian government power. The new Stazi, same as the old Stazi.

  2. “If you like your hijab, you can keep your hijab.”

    That’s the transparency of this political shilling.

    Saddest is that it’s *not* the “difference” in their political system that makes it difficult to take her down; it’s that no German men have the balls to do it.

  3. Not mentioned in the article but…
    in the same speech, Merkel said Germans
    *also* needed to take “Integration Courses.”

    At least some commenters on the websites note
    that she needs to take Democracy Courses.

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