Merkel Willing To Pay Muslim Refugees To Leave Germany – IOTW Report

Merkel Willing To Pay Muslim Refugees To Leave Germany


Chancellor Angela Merkel is setting aside €90m (£76m) in taxpayers’ money to create a fund which will pay migrants to withdraw their asylum applications and leave Germany voluntarily.

The handouts will form part of a 16-point plan to speed up the removal of rejected asylum seekers, after Tunisian migrant Anis Amri murdered a Polish lorry driver, hijacked his vehicle and drove it into a Christmas market in Berlin while awaiting deportation.

U.S. president Donald Trump told The Times that Merkel made a “catastrophic mistake” when she opened the doors to an unlimited number of migrants in 2015. Her vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, admitted that his superior had underestimated how difficult it would be to integrate migrants on such a grand scale, and that Germany had been plunged into a kulturkampf, or “cultural war”, as a result.

Germany rejected 170,000 asylum claims in 2016 but, according to the Mail, just 26,000 were repatriated. 55,000 more decided to leave voluntarily – apparently leaving 81,000 bogus applicants unaccounted for.

“We rely heavily on voluntary departures,” admitted the chancellor, who was announcing the package after falling behind the Social Democrats in polls for Germany’s upcoming elections.

24 Comments on Merkel Willing To Pay Muslim Refugees To Leave Germany

  1. So they’re paying migrants to withdraw their asylum applications. Let me guess: The German givernment is still accepting asylum applications, and there’s a mad rush on new asylum applications just to get the extortion payment from the German givernment. Tell me I’m wrong.

  2. I guess Merkel was trying to prove she wasn’t a Nazi when she threw open the doors to the runaways just that she was stupid. Now they’re paying to have the rejects leave? Yep, the Allies sure did a good job in castrating the Germans after the war. The problem is that Merkel and her party are the conservatives in Germany and it’s likely when she goes down in flames the Germans will end up with an even lefter government.

  3. She’s just a material girl because girls just wanna have fun. Pay to bring them in, pay them to sit on their asses, and now, pay to have them leave. This level of insanity knows no depths of its own depravity.

  4. “kulturkampf”

    We all know that the German word “kampf” translates into English as the word “struggle.” In Arabic the word “struggle” translates into the word “jihad.”

    So by their own admission, Germany is undergoing a cultural jihad. Interesting.

  5. Hmmmm, so they leave, then re-enter get paid again. Wow, what a great plan. Especially ineffective with open borders, no documents required to get asylum. It’s like saying, ‘Come to Germany for your tryanical sexfest. We offer our coffers and virgins up for your taking. All expenses paid PLUS we’ll pay you! NO QUESTIONS ASKED OR DICUMENTS REQUIRED TO START THE PROCESS, over and over and over again.’

    Great plan for the muslims as they take over.

  6. I’m gonna get the first flight to Berlin I can and go apply for asylum–I’ve already got the beard grown. I wonder if I shout “allah’s snackbar” you think they’ll speed up my payment so I can get back to the States sooner?

  7. Stupid fukkin krauts paid to bring em in, feed em, clothe em, provide medical care for em, lawyer em, and now pay em to leave?

    Let’s skip some of the steps and just have the dumb fukkin krauts send me 100,000 Euros to NOT show up, NOT be fed, NOT be clothed, NOT be doctored, NOT be lawyered, and NOT be deported?

    Deal? Send it c/o iotwReport …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim–you call Germans Krauts, you probably call the Japanese Nips-Indians red skins and Mexicans wet backs.
    Just call people what they are not what your little mind thinks of them- I could call you what you are- a simple minded little man but I won’t stoop down to your level—- just stay in you mamas basement and keep you racists remarks to yourself.. Sig Heil….

  9. I’m all for saving the planet. Reduce tree muder. Reduce hydrocarbon fuel burning. It’s all good. But, still, there are euros at stake. Even if they’re just magnetic euros. So, Germany, how much are you offering me to save you the paperwork and wasted fuel, of withdrawing my asylum request, before I get there and make my asylum request?

  10. Merkel is the worst possible joke as a politician. Cannot Germans do any better than this bag of old crap? Take them in, set them up to apply, feed and house them, then pay them to withdraw their applications and leave? REALLY?

  11. I have a better idea, one that will save the German people lots and lots of money.
    Instead of paying the muzzies to go away, DON’T pay them to stay. Sure, as a “refugee”, you can show up in the country, but you get NO money for food, nothing for rent, zero Deutch Marks from the Reich (gubberment) for anything. If any private citizen wants to support you and vouch for you, it’s at their house, out of their own private pocket, and that citizen (serf) is responsible for anything that you do…..or don’t do.
    See? Wasn’t that easy? Why do I have to do all the heavy thinking around here?

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