Our neighbors on another street would build one of these every year that there was a decent snow. We haven’t had a good snow for a few years now on the West side of Cleveland (not in the snow belt) so this picture is a few years old. Shot at 35MPH from the driver’s seat thru the open passenger window. I was very surprised that it came out this well!
Harry Eyeball
Some people are so clever. 😊
I’m surprised it is smiling.
Merry Christmas! ♥️♥️♥️
Wish my carrot wood stand like that.
Merry Christmas all.
Merry Christmas, even to all the anons.
That’s good work! Right up there with Calvin & Hobbes, and not as dark. (-:
We did better than that in the winter of 68 and 69 when we had a ton of snow on the ground a bunch of the neighborhood kids and myself, built a snow man over the top of a fire hydrant hoping some knucklehead would try and knock it down, sure enough they did. And we pasted a guy with snowballs whose window was wide open on 29th Ave. who came running after us yelling at us, “You better run kids.” The neighborhood fink ratted us all out later. See today’s Go Comics.com for one of the best Calvin and Hobbes snowmen tales ever, it wwas a good one.
We are about 25 miles east of Cleveland. In the snow belt, but no snow this year. Christmas Day to be in the mid 40s.
No snow here in Spokane and the Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho area this year. Mid 30’s and clear skies and just really nice Winter weather. We’re going over to Higgins Point on CDA Lake tomorrow to watch the bald eagles who fish for Kokanee salmon this time of year on the lake.
No snow yet here in Sarasota County, although it did get all the way down to 59° F a couple of nights ago. Brrrr! I had to put socks on.
We aren’t going to have any snow for Christmas this year either. The libs want to blame it on Global Warming, but I think it’s mainly due to the fact this is Phoenix.
I love all you IOTW folks and wish you a Christ filled Christmas Eve and Day! God bless you all throughout the coming season whatever it may bring. If we are His we are in good hands.
Harry! Harry! Haaaarrrrryyyy!
It’s a wonderful life!
Merry Christmas to someone who makes me laugh every day. Thanks for the pic and story.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Say your prayers everyday!
God Bless us all!!
Merry Christmas to the greatest group of folks on the ‘net!
God bless us, everyone!