Merry Christmas, Potheads – IOTW Report

Merry Christmas, Potheads

Just the News

The White House announced Friday that President Joe Biden would be pardoning thousands of people who were convicted for usage and possession of marijuana on federal property.

The president is also granting clemency to 11 people convicted non-violent drug crimes, according to Fox News. More

12 Comments on Merry Christmas, Potheads

  1. Dr. Tar, I am assuming Fed property includes national parks. So probably a bunch of doofus REI hipster hikers. I reckon that means this pardon disproportionately benefits whites, since blacks are terrified of parks.

    But since blacks are way overrepresented in the fed workforce, the pardons for burning a doobie in the Post Office parking lot may even things out.

  2. indian casinos are regulated by federal law. yep, smoke pot on casino grounds federal offense. always thought it was a hardship for the community with indian casinos. we pay for all the incarceration resulting from the criminal element associated.


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