Hilarious footage captured the moment Jill Biden‘s holiday cheer was quickly shot down by a child who corrected her Christmas greeting.
The First Lady greeted children at the White House on Friday to mark the festive season at the Marine Corps’ ‘Toys for Tots’ event, welcoming military families: ‘Hello! How are you? Happy Holidays!’
‘Happy Christmas!’ a young boy shot back.
Jill grinned at the riposte, correcting herself: ‘Happy Christmas, yes.’ More
You bet your ass.
I thought it was a big mistake to allow these shitbags anywhere near Christian celebrations when I was still in grade school. I was 100% correct that to allow them in is to invite the Fox into the hen house. They don’t belong there.
“The PC era is ending.”
Not without a fight.
On the long list of things leftists hate (the military, patriotism, accountability, hard work) at the very top is Christianity.
Kinder (naive) minds have given them a pass, attributing some ambiguous sense of tolerance and inclusion to their not wanting to offend other religions. But they know what they are doing and who their enemy is. Removing Christ from Christmas has always been the goal, and “Happy Holidays” is the most insidious of their designs.
@ Rich Taylor SATURDAY, 14 DECEMBER 2024, 17:33 AT 5:33 PM
You got that right. What was obvious to me in the 1960s as a kid has absolutely been tested, whose conclusions were correct is not in question. Nobody gets to seek refuge in being naive or ignorant. Willing ignorance is complicity and that applies to everyone.
No one can claim ignorance. In 2020 the masks came off and if you were not paying attention while they were presenting what they are and who they serve, they went out of their way to shove it in everyone’s face.
God bless us everyone.
Jill Biden is an idiot. Really: an actual idiot. Her “Phd” from a Delaware university was obviously a vanity degree given to her without any being held to any standard. (Anyone who has read any of her “thesis” (I did) will laugh at how lame it was – it rivaled Moooochelle Obama’s for idiocy.)
She’s also a disgusting parasite and opportunist, who hid Joe’s dementia from the nation so she could step into his shoes. And boy, did she ever. And boy, did we – and the world – suffer.
Jill Biden needs to be shunned the rest of her life.
LOL! No wonder God came to Earth as a child. It only took a pure heart of a child to expose the devil and his demoniac tool,”Dr.” Jill. Jesus, the ONLY reason for the season.