Message From Jovan Pulitzer – IOTW Report

Message From Jovan Pulitzer

Nobody has given up. Nothing has stopped.

13 Comments on Message From Jovan Pulitzer

  1. In the last 4 years, I’ve heard all kinds of promises concerning Trump. Not one of them has materialised. Remember the “Tick Tock” and the “Release The Kraken”?
    They have won.
    Now It’s time for total secession.
    F-ck them, let’s create our own country based on the Constitution.
    It’s time.

  2. Turn it over to that runitoutforever fake fed prosecutor on the Russiagate case whose name begins with a D or something. (After all these years he’s been on it my memory fails) He will “take care of it”.

  3. Eponymous- No shit. I was trying to remember Durham’s name while talking about him with my mom. We were cracking up. Then, last night I was reading comments and someone here mentioned his name. lol So I quickly texted my mom: DURHAM!
    And she said: Yeah, that asshole.

  4. If anyone’s in need of a high powered lawyer specializing in taking on and ruining conservatives lives, a new firm is setting up shop.

    Sessions, Rosenstein, Huber, Barr and Durham.

  5. I can’t help it. I have a glimmer of hope. Hope? Not in anything being touted as “It will happen!”, “Just wait and see!”, “BOOM”, “Trust the Plan!”, ok, I’m done with that.

    So, no; not THAT kind of hope. I have my hope (sometimes I need to be reminded) firmly placed in the only trustworthy hope (not the wishy “gee, I sure hope” hope, but the moral certainty rooted in the faithfulness of God.

    Whatever his plan is, it is for our good and for his glory. What may be for our good may not feel like it now, but God lets us experience trouble (scripture tells us we WILL have troubles) to draw us closer to him. He wants us to rely on his goodness and to develop our character to be more like him so we can be his ambassadors to our world.

    When we hope in God, we experience his peace. You know when scripture says his peace is beyond our understanding? It’s true.


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