Message to GOP: Don’t Stifle the Voters’ Voices – IOTW Report

Message to GOP: Don’t Stifle the Voters’ Voices

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is giving some advice to leaders of his own party: Don’t ignore the voters.

“Here’s my message to the Republican Party leaders: Focus more on listening to the American people and less on trying to stifle their voice,” Corker said Thursday in a statement.  <snip>

Corker, who isn’t expected to endorse during the election, suggested lawmakers were partly to blame for the voter frustration that has fueled Trump’s campaign.

“What’s happening … is the result of two things: the fecklessness and ineptness of the Washington establishment in failing to address the big issues facing our country and years of anger with the overreach of the Obama administration,” Corker added, suggesting voters “should be angrier than they are.”


11 Comments on Message to GOP: Don’t Stifle the Voters’ Voices

  1. To the guy who wants to bypass the constitution and pass treaties with a simple majority in the senate and who won’t endorse Trump…..FY, FY, and FY. RINO bastard and fake conservative.

  2. Corker is just hedging his bets. He thinks Trump may win and doesn’t want to be on the outs. But if Hillary wins (perish the thought!) he can point to his non-endorsement of Trump to save his skin. It won’t work though. If Hillary is elected, the GOP will have ZERO influence. They will all be Alinskied onto the trash heap of history.

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