Message To Muslims Upset That Trump Won – IOTW Report

Message To Muslims Upset That Trump Won


16 Comments on Message To Muslims Upset That Trump Won

  1. She’s crying because she knows the truth. moslims suck, Islam is a death cult and hopefully there won’t be anymore of you invading our country.

    Or maybe she was so looking forward to her own FGM and realized it’s now on hold.


  2. @Ampersand@: “Sure old Adam wasn’t talking about his goat? The goat realized she was a Muslim when she kept getting banged by Adam!”

    Why do you assume the goat to be a “she”?

  3. When she’s 14 year old ya gonna gouge our her cl*t and sew her labia shut? If she can’t have the Big O, she won’t be tempted to adultery after you sell her to, er, force her to marry some 80-year old geezer.

  4. Yeah, a 5 y/o moslem girl, who isn’t educated, allowed to learn to read, or wear anything other than a Glad bag is following politics on a level that most “pundits” don’t understand.
    That’s gonna happen … yeah … right …

    izlamo delenda est …

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