Message To Stupid Leftists Running For Office – Using Debunked Allegations About Trump In Your Ads Is Just One Of the Reasons Why I’m Calling You Stupid – IOTW Report

Message To Stupid Leftists Running For Office – Using Debunked Allegations About Trump In Your Ads Is Just One Of the Reasons Why I’m Calling You Stupid

I just saw an ad by a democrat hopeful who had three, count em’, THREE debunked anti-Trump allegations in his dopey campaign spot.

Here are the idiotic assertions:

1- He made fun of a journalist’s disability.

No. Trump made fun of a journalist that happened to have a disability. He wasn’t making fun of the disability. Hardly the same thing, but leftists famously have trouble with concepts.

Trump made spastic movements while he depicted the journalist in a befuddled state, something he has done on multiple occasions with multiple targets, none of whom have a disability.

Furthermore, the journalist is not a spastic, so I challenge the left to look the journalist, who has a frozen and withered hand, in the eye and tell him that what Trump is doing, flailing about and acting like Jerry Lewis, is a spot on imitation of him.

2- Trump admitted to sexually abusing women.

No. Trump said that when you’re a billionaire “women LET YOU grab them by the pussy.”

Again, leftists fail to grasp the meaning of words. Consent is not sexual abuse, otherwise every man who has ever had a sexual encounter with a woman has committed a sex crime. (There are leftists who believe that, but that’s for another essay about these mental deficients.)

3- Trump said Mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers.

No. Trump said that there are many ILLEGAL immigrants that are rapists and murderers. This is a fact. Does the left deny this? Their contention is that there are no Mexican rapists or murderers? Then what is all this refugee garbage that is being bandied about? Mexico is the only country in the world that has no violent criminals! I’m going there! The people sound like they are right up there with the peaceful Muslims.  (lol)

Listen, dorks, I know you think that when there is an across the board cut in taxes  you like to say it’s a “tax cut for the rich.” In Clintonese you are technically correct, but it’s not the full story.

Conversely, when Trump says “some” illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers, he didn’t say ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers.

My God, you people are stupid.

Either these politicians think their voter base are morons, which means they have no respect for their constituency, or they themselves are the morons.

Either way, not so good.

7 Comments on Message To Stupid Leftists Running For Office – Using Debunked Allegations About Trump In Your Ads Is Just One Of the Reasons Why I’m Calling You Stupid

  1. ‘B-but Trump totally uses Cheetos and Oranges for a shampoo/conditioner combo! Twitter and CNN told me so! And- and I heard that he BEATS his wife with his golf clubs every time the Yankees lose! It’s true!’

  2. @ BFH – Leftists do not care about inaccuracies and debunked stories, stories they never hear of like we do, they care about LIES and message PROPAGANDA, Hate America when they wake up in the morning.



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