Meteorite Mystery of Antarctica – IOTW Report

Meteorite Mystery of Antarctica


They’re easy enough to spot, those black rocks sitting out on the barren white waste of Antarctic ice, only they rarely seem to find any meteorites made of iron.  Now some British scientist are going to the end of the earth with mine detectors rigged up behind snowmobiles to test their theory on why there are 10 times fewer iron meteorites found in Antarctica than the rest of the world.




25 Comments on Meteorite Mystery of Antarctica

  1. Atmosphere is thinner at the poles, therefore less material burns off through entry, therefore object is more dense on impact and “digs” deeper. Also, more “outer” material is left surrounding the iron core so that it may look like an ordinary rock meteorite as opposed to a solid iron core. But don’t believe me, I don’t have a college degree nor do I pretend to be a scientist on tv.

  2. I’m no rocket surgeon, but wouldn’t these space rocks you speak of have to be falling up to hit the south pole? All the space balls I’ve ever seen are falling down.
    Or maybe the penguins are hiding them. Yea, that’s it…purloined by penguins.

  3. I guess it would depend on the solar wind direction
    of the many meteorite showers we get on where the
    concentrations would be. Then you have to look at size
    and density.
    I hope they find The Thing. We’ve some liberals to
    get rid of and they’s all stoopid non survivor types.

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