Meth Party with Bipolar Girlfriend Turns Out to Be a Mistake – IOTW Report

Meth Party with Bipolar Girlfriend Turns Out to Be a Mistake

Law & Crime

Taylor Denise Schabusiness, 24, of Green Bay is charged with first-degree intentional homicide — Wisconsin’s highest murder charge — along with mutilating a corpse and third-degree sexual assault.

The charges stem from what’s alleged to have been a meth-fueled episode of sex and murder in late February. The romp ended with Shad Thyrion, 25, being killed and and cut to pieces by means of a serrated bread knife, the authorities have said. More

30 Comments on Meth Party with Bipolar Girlfriend Turns Out to Be a Mistake

  1. Prosecutors say Schabusiness murdered her victim, admittedly had sex with his body for several hours, and then mutilated his corpse.

    How long does rigor mortis last???

    I can only imagine her court appointed atty slogs home, drinks a fifth of scotch on an empty stomach, crawls into a corner and remains in the fetal position wondering how he drew the short straw representing this cretin.

  2. How do you have sex with a dead guy for a couple of hours?
    Grab him by the ears and have a go at it,to get a little more head.
    It is a very sick world we are living in right now.
    And it is getting sicker by the minute.

  3. She was probably pissed as hell at him because he couldn’t perform. Being wired as hell like that meth/coke/crack is definitely not conducive to long lasting sex. In fact, the opposite. His little tiny potty hose was probably shrunk up to something the size of his thumb. And she was pissed!

  4. Chances are she was mad at him. Being wired to the gills is not conducive to a long lasting, satisfying sexual experience. Meth, coke, crack, it doesn’t work well. Chances are his little tiny potty hose shrunk up to be about the size of his thumb and she was going to do something about it. And she did.


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