#MeThree – Model Says She Had Affair With Woody and Mia When She Was 16 Years-Old – IOTW Report

#MeThree – Model Says She Had Affair With Woody and Mia When She Was 16 Years-Old

Mia always presented herself as the victim of Allen’s depravity. This sounds like, if true, she was a willing participant and then finally got burned by the perverted Woody.

Hollywood Reporter-

In her manuscript, Engelhardt writes, “I felt sick. I didn’t want to be there at all, and yet I couldn’t find the courage to get up and leave. To leave would mean an end to all of this. Looking back now, that’s exactly what I needed, but back then, the idea of not having Woody in my life at all terrified me. So I sat there, patiently, calmly trying to assess the situation, trying to understand why he wanted the two of us to meet.”

Despite the initial shock of jealousy, Engelhardt says she grew to like Farrow over the course of the “handful” of three-way sex sessions that followed at Allen’s penthouse as they smoked joints and bonded over a shared fondness for animals. (“When Mia was there, we’d talk about astrology, and Woody was forced to listen,” she laughs.) Engelhardt writes in her manuscript, “There were times the three of us were together, and it was actually great fun. We enjoyed each other when we were in the moment. She was beautiful and sweet, he was charming and alluring, and I was sexy and becoming more and more sophisticated in this game. It wasn’t until after it was done when I really had time to think of how twisted it was when we were together … and how I was little more than a plaything.” She continues, “While we were together, the whole thing was a game that was being operated solely by Woody so we never quite knew where we stood.”


18 Comments on #MeThree – Model Says She Had Affair With Woody and Mia When She Was 16 Years-Old

  1. Hmmm… I could boil her whole life down to a couple sentences.

    Look at me! Look at meeeeeee!

    … and, I might add, manipulators like Woody Allen are masters at recognizing the type.

  2. It’s amazing that this 98 lb weakling should have mesmerized so very many attractive women.

    Woody Allen reminds me of Julian von Abele. ….smile… …and I must admit: I think little Julian is kinda cool. ….Lady in Red

  3. Sixteen year olds do not have “affairs” with adult men. Looked at from one side, she was statutorily raped. From another viewpoint, she’s a slut. Pick your frame of reference.

    Bear in mind that pencil necked twit Woody has been famous for a long time. That attracts sluts like moths to a flame.

    Right, Woody?

  4. Lovely at 16. Not disgusting at 58. That pose as well as that “swimsuit” are (is) hideous. Even in 1976!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. “Sixteen year olds do not have “affairs” with adult men. Looked at from one side, she was statutorily raped. From another viewpoint, she’s a slut. Pick your frame of reference.”

    Funny how the outrage applies only depending upon the political alignment of the accused. Also weird how now a female can be a slut AND simultaneously be stat raped.

  6. Oh, Vietvet? Ya got any phone numbers or pitchurs or anything … ?

    16ze a lille old, but she’ddo ……. she’ddo …….

    I do this puppent trick for the lill grilsa ….. they luv it!! Getzem quikker than ta baby weenier dog.

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