#MeToo… please – IOTW Report

#MeToo… please

WV teacher, former Miss Kentucky charged with sending nude photos to middle school student.

I apologize for the flippant title. I couldn’t help it.

It’s double-edged, however.

Yes, it implies that her sending you nude pictures is a good thing, but not when the recipient is a child.

But it’s also a sarcastic slam at #MeToo, which implies that women are always the oppressed at the hands of males and they must always be believed, by default, for they are inherently the “pure as the driven snow” gender.

Until they decide they are males… then what happens?

And are dudes that decide they are women afforded this wonderfully advantageous social arrangement?


A Kanawha County middle school teacher and former Miss Kentucky has been charged with sending nude pictures to a juvenile male student.

Ramsey Bearse, 28, a teacher at Andrew Jackson Middle School, has been charged with four counts of the distribution and display to a minor of obscene matter.

According to a criminal complaint, the student’s parent informed authorities Wednesday of lewd pictures found on the student’s phone, sent by Bearse.

The parent, not identified in the complaint, said Bearse was a teacher during some of the time that his or her son attended Andrew Jackson.

On Thursday, Bearse admitted to investigators sending the student at least four photographs of her “nude breast/chest area” through Snapchat, a photo messaging phone app, from around August 2018 to October 2018, according to the complaint.

ht/ fdr in hell

32 Comments on #MeToo… please

  1. BFH: Maybe the “kid” was one of those 30-year-olds that Islam is trying to pass off as 15 in the classrooms. Also, I hope she was wearing the micro-mini skirt designed by Señor Cooter, I know I would be dropping my pencils for her to pick up all the time.

  2. Anyway you look at it, this kind of behavior should be encouraged. What are the odds of this lucky recipient growing up gay? I’m saying none. Of course certain quality control measures would need to be put in place. But that could be managed.

  3. You’re all missing the context here. The student to which she sent the pictures was a confused transgender boy. She was only trying to “un-confuse” him by sending sexually lurid pictures of herself so as to get him to “come around” (heh). So you see it was all for an altruistic purpose.

  4. Ka’-nah-wha.

    Walter Croncrite was quite wrong, in 1979, when he reported on the story about an airplane from S. America loaded with bales of pot that ran off the end of the runway & down the mountain when he pronounced it as – Can-a- wa.

    http://www.wvpublic.org/post/june-6-1979-cargo-plane-carrying-12-tons-marijuana-crashes-yeager-airport#stream/0 .

    The local hospital ER also did a brisk business treating the potheads who smoked the diesel fuel soaked pot. They were collecting the bounty faster than the LEOs could retrieve the bales out of the trees and haul it away. In an attempt to render it unsmokeable they poured diesel on it.

    You should try out pronouncing – Monongahela.

  5. Even pedophiles can be physically attractive people sometimes. They don’t all look ugly.

    These comments are disgusting btw. You guys really ought to treat this sort of thing more serious, she sent pornographic content to a 12 year old. A little boy.

    Her charges should be much more severe.
    If a male teacher sent four or more pictures of his penis to a 12 year old girl, what do you think he would be charged with? He would in the very least be made to register as a sex offender.

    Just like this bitch here ought to be.
    Just because she’s considered attractive she’s getting away with sexually targeting a child. Horrific.

  6. She’s so gross.
    And women, if you truly want equal rights, then that bitch should be in jail, on a predator watch list and ordered to stay away from anything younger than 18, just like they do to the men pervs.

    It’s all fun and games until this bitch shows up at your front door pregnant with your 14 year old son’s child. The law should apply to everyone. Tits or not.

  7. chuffed-b-w,
    it don’t matter what we say. Let’s see what the judge do.

    Don’t disagree with you btw. But you gotta snark at crap like this, it’s too frequent to blow a gasket over.

  8. Today it’s Middle-schoolers, very soon it will be third, fourth and fifth graders. And continue the downward trend. Daniel Moynihan said it best, “We are defining deviancy down.” Soon, “Women’s rights” will include the right to their own MBLA. Women seem to be trying as hard as they can to catch up with men in the Deviancy Dept. (Sorry guys, not talking about the iotw crew). I am repulsed by these stories. Anyone planting the seed of pornography in my sons mind will have myself and God to contend with.
    We must be vigilant about praying for the protection and preservation of wholesomeness for our children.

  9. I’m not justifying anything here…

    He’s 15 (not 12), near the age of consent (an arbitray definition) and has probably seen more porn than many due to the internet.

    The problem is the overall sexualization and poisoning of our youth by liberal insanity using television and the internet.


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