Mexican flags fly at Trump protest in Dallas – IOTW Report

Mexican flags fly at Trump protest in Dallas

AmericanMirror//A vocal band of agitators gathered outside Donald Trump’s Dallas rally tonight and as has been the case in many other cities, they flew Mexican flags.

“We are united! We are united!” agitators shouted.

“F*ck Donald Trump!” others chanted repeatedly

17 Comments on Mexican flags fly at Trump protest in Dallas

  1. The irony of the waving of the Mexican Flag by people who have absolutely no desire to live in their failed shit hole of a Country is quite astounding..

  2. The amusing thing about those “Mexican” flags
    is that the “made in” tags now say
    “soon to be made in President Trump’s America again.”

  3. TO Michael: good one!

    Here’s a variation on it…

    ”…by people who have absolutely no desire to live in their failed shit hole of a Country but do what they can to make America just like it is…”

  4. to czar:
    it’s not the country but the citizens.
    they are third world.
    lack of education and hygiene standards.
    we once had a thriving country just because of our first world citizens.
    Christian, educated, and hygienic.
    now we are becoming third world because of the unfettered immigration of third world citizens.
    it is what it is.

  5. If they’re so all-fired up about the ‘greatness’ of Mexico, why are they here?

    Why don’t these cowards take their silly little flags back to Mexico and fight that government for their rights, instead of trying to bring the failed government of Mexico to OUR country?

    I guess Soros won’t pay for that.

  6. The fucks don’t want the land, they want the infrastructure.
    If the border was at the 1845 position the entire west and southwest would look exactly like Tijuana and they would be at the border whining about a previous land grievance with the Clovis people.
    Fooking uppity peons need to go back home to making houses out of other people’s trash

  7. To bill

    No kidding! Mexico could be wealthy on its oil and vacation destinations (based on geography) if corruption and barbarity were not the norm there.

  8. Were there any scuffles and hijinks? Sometimes those friendly little groups of Mexicans can get a little rambunctious when the Trump thugs start beating on them.

  9. A friend of mine is currently in Mexico, they go every year. Recently I’ve taken an interest in cruising and was wondering about the legality of doing so with a couple guns on board. I found that in Mexican waters it is entirely illegal to so much as have a spent casing.

    My friend in Mexico right now is a big time gun owner. I told him that if he floated on a pallet with a single shot shotgun into Mexican waters, he would spend the next 10 years in a shitty Mexican jail. My information was a little late for him to change plans, but I bet they don’t go to Mexico again next year!

  10. TO LBS

    The Media would (rightly) point out this is an act of hate.

    WE DON’T CARE about Mexico, and SHOULDN’T (other than trade and the usual, minimal “good neighbor” stuff).
    It’s only because Mexicans invade us and make themselves OUR problem that it is an issue for us.

  11. Loco, you’re on to something.
    If you got a Mexico flag and burnt it on the you tube you would have the full force of the military descend on your house for your hateful hate crime, gringo

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