Mexican Official Dreams Of Trump Assassination, But Most Urge Prudence – IOTW Report

Mexican Official Dreams Of Trump Assassination, But Most Urge Prudence


An article in the New Yorker details the Mexican government’s continued struggles with dealing with the Trump administration as it seeks to balance its interests with the demands of an angry populace.

“Among current Mexican officials, almost everyone I met offered commiserations about Trump, and many suggested that he was a bigot and a dangerous, reckless man. One went so far as to fantasize about the possibility that ‘Trump might end up like J.F.K.’ But for most the guiding principle was circumspection,” New Yorker staff writer Jon Lee Anderson wrote in a piece entitled “How Mexico Deals with Trump.”

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9 Comments on Mexican Official Dreams Of Trump Assassination, But Most Urge Prudence

  1. I love this, the Mexican Government is Shitting their pants !
    We are Big Brother to them, without our support they’ll have to be honest with the people … and may have to reveal just how much money the Country itself really produces !!!

  2. What’s kind of funny is that, while Mexico obsesses about President Trump, most Americans don’t think about Mexico AT ALL!

    A corrupt shit-hole to the south that hemorrhages rat-people. That’s about the extent of our concern. We should have civilized it back in 1848.

    Build the wall. Put out giant rat-traps. Concentrate on more important matters.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Incredibly irresponsible to write such filth for Americans to consume. The media have blood all over their hands as it is. They’re the ones pushing and escalating violence of all kinds. It was true back then and it is true today, “If it bleeds, it leads.” They can’t accurately cover issues that are important to us, but they sure can splash grisly headlines with no truth in the content.

  4. Mexico is probably the most corrupt and immoral country on the face of the earth. The few uncontaminated peasants choose to vent not on a government or drug cartels that enslave and corrupt them and their children but upon Donald Trump. To be fair though, Donald Trump is not likely to come and kill your whole family for saying something he disagreed with or to torture you to death slowly while filming it or to sell of your girl childgren into sex salvery and kill the boys in case they grow up with a greudge. Without the US Mexico would collapse in a week and maybe that would be for the best. It may give the honest Mexicans a chance, however small, to take back their country. One this would be for sure though, they would know that Donald Trump would be behind them and assisting their fight for freedom regardless of what they may have said about him in the past.

  5. I still like Wilber Ross’s idea regarding nafta. In order to continue trading with the U.S. they must pay their workers $15.00 hourly. Good idea to keep them home.

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