Mexican Police Practice Catch And Release – IOTW Report

Mexican Police Practice Catch And Release

What happens when Mexican security forces operating in Culiacan, the capital city of Sinaloa state, stumble upon and detain the son of the head of the most power drug cartel in the nation? A giant citywide gun battle, terrorist violence against local residents and the police giving Ovidio Guzmán López  back to the Sinaloa cartel, probably with a note saying they’re sorry and they’ll never do it again. Read Here 

7 Comments on Mexican Police Practice Catch And Release

  1. GWB’s friend, head of a big drug gang AND FORMER PRESIDENT, Vince Fox has a citadel near by. Los Moches or as local say Moches. Bad mouth Vince or GWB your body goes into a vat of acid and is gone in 3 days!
    ‘No ha Visto. Lo siento.

    Mexico has been corrupt for centuries.


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