AMLO Tells Mexican People USA is Spying on Them and U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency is Manipulating Media.
(…) In the latest stunning development, Mexican President AMLO calls out the United States Government for spying on the Mexican military. Additionally, and given the nature of the issues at hand this is even bigger, AMLO tells the Mexican people the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is actively conducting propaganda operations in the country, including the use of Mexican media. AMLO is saying this stuff out loud folks. MORE
The government of self appointed royalty is running the show, not just ruining America.
I am close to my life cycle.
What keeps me going is media spin.
Our new woke military under the ‘leadership’ of Biden/Austin/Milley might not fare well in a shooting war with Mexico.
AMLO has obviously been paid off or threatened by the cartels. Probably both.
This guy been asleep since 1846, or so?
Guess they don’t teach history in messico, either.
That’s one of those “No Shit, Sherlock!” moments.
Wonder what tipped him off?
Ran out of tequila one afternoon and had a cogent thought?
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
mexico’s army would probably kick the shit out of the austin/milley/obiden croc-wearing, fat, dei assholes