Only 16 Electric Vehicles are Eligible for Federal Tax Credits – IOTW Report

Only 16 Electric Vehicles are Eligible for Federal Tax Credits

Epoch Times – The vast majority of all-electric vehicle (EV) models will not be eligible for tax credits of up to $7,500, according to federal rules that come into effect on April 18, which could have a dampening impact on potential car buyers looking to go electric.

Only 16 EVs from four brands are eligible for tax credits if the vehicles are taken delivery by taxpayers on or after April 18, 2023, according to data from, a website run by the Department of Energy (DoE). New rules set by the Department of the Treasury and per the provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) mean that most of the 40 EVs that are available in the United States won’t be eligible for tax credits.

Many of the vehicles that do not qualify for credits are manufactured outside of North America, which disqualifies them automatically.

At least 40 percent of the value of battery minerals should be mined, processed, or recycled in the United States or in nations with which America has trade deals. This requirement jumps 10 percent each year until it hits 80 percent in 2027.

At least 50 percent of the value of battery parts should be assembled or manufactured in North America. This number jumps to 60 percent in 2024 and 2025. In the subsequent years, the number rises by 10 percent each year until it hits 100 percent in 2029.

Meanwhile, companies are setting up battery and assembly plants in the region in hopes of getting their vehicles eligible for the benefits. more

17 Comments on Only 16 Electric Vehicles are Eligible for Federal Tax Credits

  1. The White House is now suggesting every family be relegated to one Fred Flintstone type vehicle to cut back on emissions… Except for politicians, actors and the elite. They can do whatever the want.

  2. Watch Scotty Kilmer on Y-tube:

    Subaru, Toyota, Honda, & Mazda have all said that they already NO LONGER feel that Electric is the best way forward.
    Reasons Vary but Chips, Electrical supply, batteries, & PROFITABILITY are the reasons they seem to have given to various degrees.

  3. The only reason Tesla was included is because the idiots in the Bite me administration figured by now Texas would have seceded from the US, making Tesla a “foreign car”.

  4. There shouldn’t be any subsidy’s for any of this stuff. If it was any good people would be clamoring to buy it.This includes solar panels, wind mills , any of it.

  5. That’s the point. It is NOT ‘any good’.

    Neither was corn ethanol for fuel, or frickin “Empire Strikes Back’ windmills EVERYWHERE in the USA.

    Talk about environmental impact. American cities are all shitholes and now driving crosscountry on most Interstates the view is like construction site scaffolding. And it is ‘permanent’ and when it runs its course (sooner than later) there won’t be enough landfill space!

  6. “there won’t be enough landfill space!”

    There’s always the oceans if we don’t manage to fill them with plastic first. Plus dumping all those worn out solar panels and windmills in the ocean would probably add 3 to 5 inches of sea level rise.

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