Mexico Allowing Illegal Aliens To March Through Their Country Into Ours – IOTW Report

Mexico Allowing Illegal Aliens To March Through Their Country Into Ours

How would Canada feel if we opened our borders and corralled and helped a caravan of people to march through America with the specific goal of entering Canada?

Trump lays into Mexico for allowing non-Mexican South Americans to use their country as a gateway to America.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter-

This is going to go badly for the left, which is cheering them on.
America won’t stand for this. We have a right to preserve our border and not have a mockery made of our sovereignty.
I would support Trump if he declared war on Mexico… and the left.

33 Comments on Mexico Allowing Illegal Aliens To March Through Their Country Into Ours

  1. “How would Canada feel if we opened our borders and corralled and helped a caravan of people to march through America with the specific goal of entering Canada?”

    Actually, that’s a damned good idea! Just keep the caravan moving North until the illegal-alien invading rat-people are safely ensconced in Canada.

    The rat-people would be happy, the Canuks would be happy, and America would be a better place.

    Win – win – win.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Phuck the wall. Lay minefields. But log the locations so they can be safely removed in about six months when the wets stop coming after a few accidental deaths of illegal trespassers. Put us signs in Spanish and Arabic and Gaelic, just to be fair about it. Time we paid these Mo Fos back for all our troops with lost legs.

  3. Swarms of drones, many just hold tiny mirrors focusing the sun’s rays on the caravan.
    Others spray diluted corn syrup, others drop ground up nettles and cactus spines and powdered fiberglass
    Still others make aggressive dives at the crowd
    The remainder will deliver ants

  4. I just read that one of the organizers went to Univision and he call white supremacy yo us also in is website I asking for donations. He posted 4 difference phone number 3 from the shithole country and one from Arizona I call the number right away but the mailbox is full.602 551 4931 tomorrow morning Iā€™m calling this mother fuc

  5. The white skinned racist scum mexicans are the biggest racist pieces of shittt around. Take a good look at the faces and bodies of the messican dogs in these pictures. Pan faced brown skinned mud people from the campo, fat bellied with short stubby legs, smarmy oily skin, dirty bowl legged dogs. The white skinned scumm like Jorge Ramos hate them and want to cleanse messico of them all by sending them here to be slaves that remit US dollars back to messico. Mexico is a racist shitthole against their own native people. If you do not look like Whorehay Ramos, you are a dog that can live in the garbage dump and clean his messican toilet.The Shitaloa Cartel should kill racist scumbagg Whorehay Ramos. If you are a fat rolly polly, taco eating, pot bellied, illiterate, sombrero wearing, messican you are the ones the whiteboy Whorehay Ramos wants to eliminate from his country. He hates you and fled to stadosnidos to get away from you.

  6. Call in the IDF, just the other day they practiced crowd control. I guarantee if the invaders knew they were going met Israeli soldiers they would do a 180 – pronto.

  7. RU no. But I do. Land mines. With fair warning signs in English, Irish, Italian, French, German, Austrian (Obama’s favorite foreign language, Austrian) and Vietnamese.
    There are land mines between North and South Korea, why not between North America and Mexico?
    Mexican drug runners are doing a lot of damage to our country off the beaten path. Land mines will stop them.

  8. Believe I left a comment on a previous thread.

    This does not end well and looks like a no win situation for the Trumpster. Will be interesting to see how they pull the chestnuts out of the fire on this one. I’m thinking he’ll be crapping on Mexico in more ways then we’ll ever know.

    And yes, it would be interesting to know who started this ball rolling. Give them some payback PLEASE!

  9. After closing the border, stop the money transference, Walmart will survive probably
    If Mexico wanted to not be cruel they would load up them on trains like last time. Optics are much better with the walking mass reminds libs of the muzzies invading Europe

  10. Mexico has a Large group of mobile Illegal’s on their hands, they can do what they will with them as it’s their responsability.
    They will show up 20 miles from me in Tijuana most likely, and we need to keep Vigil on them so we can make sure Mexico isnt abusing their many rights as world Citizens !!!

  11. Mexxico is a horrible, inhumane, savage, violator of the UNHRC code of humane treatment.

    A 50% transfer tax should be put on any money transfer from the US to Mexxico and the rest of Central America, except Panama and Costa Rica. We will use software to make sure there are no loopholes or scamming by using multi country transfers to avoid the taxes. It can easily be done.

    If you are an American citizen in good standing, there will be an exemption of a reasonable amount if you are really just sending small amounts to help your family. But no illegals sending large amounts of tax free money to build mini mexi empires back there. Rape them…

  12. I heard Jorge Ramos stated in an interview ā€œheā€™s seriously considering moving back to Mexico as he cannot tolerate how racist America has become under the Trump presidencyā€.

    Hopefully heā€™ll meet them along the way and tell them what a horrible place America has become.

  13. Given that this is an invasion promoted by Mexico, here’s a long comment lifted en toto by serial on-point writer Subotai Bahadur. You can tell he’s thought it through, and presents a workable solution, but for the will to implement it. Personally, I don’t have a problem with any of it.
    Short form:

    1) Announce via all media possible that American citizens and legal permanent residents in Mexican territory have 1 week [give a specific time deadline] to get out of Mexican territory, or the United States will not be answerable for the consequences. Simultaneously, block all US traffic; civilian, commercial, or whatever from crossing the border southbound. Use any or all of the various National Security acts as legal justification. Declare martial law along the border if necessary.

    2) When Mexico screams “ĀæquĆ© carajo?”; reply that the message was directed in all cases to US nationals and it is none of their business.

    3) At the expiration of the deadline, announce that the border is closed to traffic going both ways other than US nationals and permanent legal residents who are escaping Mexico and Mexican nationals being repatriated to Mexico. Also announce that the border will be defended militarily and Mexican incursions onto American territory from outside the US, or incursions by other foreign nationals transiting Mexico to invade American territory will be considered a casus belli. Invade our country and die. Water, power, and petroleum will not be allowed to cross the border going south.

    4) Announce that any Mexican national in US will have one week [give a specific time deadline] to peacefully leave the territory of the US, and that the US government will assist in their repatriation. After that time they will be considered invading foreign nationals and if found will be interned and involuntarily repatriated to Mexican territory or expelled to a third country.

    5) Those minor children of Mexican nationals who can prove US citizenship will have their fingerprints, DNA, and iris patterns taken and stored in the US. They will then go with their parents. Upon reaching the age of 18, they may present themselves at any US diplomatic mission worldwide and claim US citizenship. When they do so, they will have fingerprints, iris patterns, and DNA samples taken and forwarded to the storage facility where they will be compared to those of the person they claim to be. If, and only if, the samples match; they will be brought to the US under escort where the tests will be repeated. If they match the second time, they will be given as forgery proof as possible documentation that they are citizens and transported to anywhere in the country that they choose. Aid in integrating into society may be offered.

    Those who are found to have falsely claimed citizenship will have the ID records retained, and if they make it to the United States, the word “Invader” tattooed on their forehead before they are expelled. In the event they are caught here again, one of their Achilles tendons will be severed surgically before expulsion. [OK, I am not a nice person.]

    6) Mexican financial assets, as of the end of the repatriation deadline, will be frozen. No funds from
    within the US shall be allowed to be transferred to Mexico. No more remittances.

    7) Those Americans who conceal or abet violations of the above will be charged.

    8) The above will hold until the Government of Mexico takes steps acceptable as sufficient by the Government of the United States to prevent illegal movement from Mexico to the United States.

    9) In the event that Mexico declares war, a) the Mexican oil industry will be targeted and destroyed, b) if necessary, sufficient Mexican border territory will be seized and the population expelled to simplify controlling the border, c) other military actions against the government and population of Mexico as is customary in other wars will be taken.

    It’s a start.

  14. Gutierrez

    Walks out of the State of the Union Address and is not running for reelection because he will accomplish more as a private citizen.

    I could suggest a few things that he could accomplish starting with going to his homeland Puerto Rico and staying there…

  15. The vast majority of the american people have been screaming about this for decades and yet the politicians are too afraid to stand up and do the right thing.
    Even Trump is starting to flinch. It started with the idea of giving amnesty to get a bill passed.
    Not just this crowd coming now but they have still been pouring in here steadily even after Trumps election. They are fighting just to deport the felons and can’t seem to get that done either.
    At this point I have no idea what can be done, wait for another election and throw out these cowards who’ll only be replaced by more of the same.
    Kill everyone in the chamber of commerce would be a good start.

  16. “I heard Jorge Ramos stated in an interview ā€œheā€™s seriously considering moving back to Mexico …””

    George is a fucking hypocrite. A lying fucking hypocrite, at that. That shithead lying grifter has no intention of giving up the good life to live in some third-world shithole (even though NYC ain’t much better than a shithole, it’s infinitely better than mexico).

    All these rat-people teasers: “if Trump gets elected, I’m moving to Shitheadistan!” and they never go. They know which side of the bread the butter is on.

    Their avarice exceeds their postulated pretended principles.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Its time to stop this insanity. Put so much pressure on mexico financially they will step up and stop this. If they need help ridding their crime ridden country of the drug cartels, then we should offer the Marine corp to wipe them off the face of the earth then proceed with a peaceful Mexico. Maybe then they can form some type of economy that pays enough to keep there people there so they don’t come in undocumented and strain our schools, hospitals, tax revenues, etc without paying a damn dime to support anything.
    No other country would allow this. We are a joke where this is concern. How can any one think this is ok to allow these people in to screw us and we pay for everything they need. BS!!!

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