Mexico Now Actively Trying To Help Illegal Immigrants In US Escape Deportation Under Trump – IOTW Report

Mexico Now Actively Trying To Help Illegal Immigrants In US Escape Deportation Under Trump

AmericanLookout: Mexico better watch their back, because President-Elect Trump is not President Obama.

Now, the country with the largest illegal immigrant population in America is actually trying to help illegal immigrants remain in the United States.

Washington Examiner reports:

Mexico and Guatemala announced plans to expand immigrationservices at their dozens of offices in the United States.

In a joint statement directed the illegals in the United States, the nations of the “Northern Triangle,” El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, said:

“The foreign ministers made a call to Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans, to continue observing and respecting the laws of that country, to stay calm and not make hasty decisions that endanger their personal safety, carry the necessary documents and approach their consulates for services and consular protection.”

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11 Comments on Mexico Now Actively Trying To Help Illegal Immigrants In US Escape Deportation Under Trump

  1. Not surprising that the Mexicans don’t want their Mexicans back! Apparently, Mexicans don’t like Mexicans! Yebbie needs to go down to Mexico and teach them how to love Mexicans, especially all the millions that are going back there!

  2. Yeb! went down there and brought back a pregnant Mexican. She might have become the First Lady of our country with $180 million in funds from the Republican Establishment, but Jeb! was seen to be a little bit too low energy for the job.

  3. Wouldn’t you think the brain dead liberal sponsors of these illegal border jumpers tell them that flying an American flag would give them more credibility than waving the flag of the country they’re fleeing.

  4. Mexico has been actively assisting illegals from other nations to transit THEIR country in order to dump them in the US. If these were hard working law-abiding good people, why wouldn’t Mexico want to keep them in their country to work?

  5. The thing is that in order to increase the number of nationals working on their consular operations in the States they need the permission of the State Department. Anybody in State right now is not going to give that permission because when Trumps people come in they could find themselves out of a cushy government job and on the streets. State won’t be making any decisions until they get a feel which way the wind is blowing.

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