Mexico Publishes the Deal Contained in Trump’s “Blank Paper” – IOTW Report

Mexico Publishes the Deal Contained in Trump’s “Blank Paper”

The left look like schmucks, AGAIN.


Photojournalists managed to capture a few sentences of the document, but the full contents had not previously been revealed.

The document is a “supplementary agreement” to the deal the US and Mexico signed last Friday, and outlines additional measures the two sides agree to take.

The two countries “will immediately begin discussions to establish definitive terms for a binding bilateral agreement to further address burden-sharing and the assignment of responsibility for processing refugee status claims of migrants,” it says.

Under that “binding bilateral agreement,” the countries “would accept the return, and process refugee status claims, of third-party nationals who have crossed that party’s territory to arrive” in the neighboring country, it says.

That language appears to resemble Trump’s demand for a “safe third country” agreement in which migrants entering Mexican territory would have to seek asylum there, not the United States, and be immediately deported to Mexico if they entered the US.

The document adds that the agreement would be “part of a regional approach” to dealing with undocumented migrants and refugees.

“Mexico also commits to immediately begin examining domestic laws and regulations with a view to identifying any changes that may be necessary to bring into force and implement such an agreement,” it says.


ht/ marco

9 Comments on Mexico Publishes the Deal Contained in Trump’s “Blank Paper”

  1. …It’s just stupid that they would think the President of the United States would bald-face lie about a treaty with a nation that hates us on live TV, like it’s POSSIBLE to lie about international treaties and no one will EVER find out and MEXICO wouldn’t call it out, to join in the Trump shaming.

    …although the LAST guy could have done something like that, and the press would cover for him SO much that we STILL wouldn’t know about it, so maybe it’s just their frame of reference…

  2. Correction:
    “Again” implies that one stopped, and then restarted.
    The proper word should be “STILL”, meaning the DeMSM never stopped being schmucks, they continue to be schmucks, they will always be schmucks.


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