Mexico’s Incoming President is Beefing Up Their Security on Central America Border – IOTW Report

Mexico’s Incoming President is Beefing Up Their Security on Central America Border

Open borders for the United States, but not Mexico.

There is something very hypocritical about this Mexican policy, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe a leftist can explain it to me. I’ll ask on Twitter.


After months of Donald Trump’s controversial clampdown on immigration, Mexico’s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is planning his own border police force to stop undocumented immigrants, drugs and guns from crossing into the country from Central America, his future chief of public security said.

Picked by Lopez Obrador, Alfonso Durazo stressed that the new force would be part of a larger regional development effort to ease the poverty and violence that lead so many Central Americans to cross into Mexico. The police corps will be sizable, he said, and will be deployed to Mexico’s northern border as well. He declined to offer more specifics as the details are still being decided.

“We’re going to create a border police force that will be highly specialized,” Durazo said in an interview. “They need to apply the law,” including stopping undocumented migrants and human traffickers from crossing into Mexico, which Durazo says often takes place with the help of corrupt officials.



5 Comments on Mexico’s Incoming President is Beefing Up Their Security on Central America Border

  1. This is either all talk and posturing (a vaunted Mexican tradition) or the cartels will kill him within the year.
    The Mexican government is at BEST in an unstable power sharing arrangement with the cartels.
    The Mexican Federal Government doesn’t really control Mexico and hasn’t in decades.

  2. Mexico’s relationship with their neighbor to the North is a unique one. A relationship that cannot be shared. Any immigration legislation that does not acknowledge that relationship and make accommodations for it, will never succeed. It is not something that can be agreed are disagreed with. It just is.

    Central America has a unique relationship with Mexico, particularly with its southernmost states. Sound familiar?

    AMLO is being hypocritical, but what else can a politician be with so many to please? Everyone wants their cake and insists on eating it too.

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