Mexico’s Plan To Overwhelm Our Border and Create a Wealth Sucking Vacuum – IOTW Report

Mexico’s Plan To Overwhelm Our Border and Create a Wealth Sucking Vacuum


Mexico’s Next President Tells Country: They “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States”…

What AMLO is saying is not a surprise, nor is it an ideological proclamation; there is an actual strategic policy behind these statements.  This has been AMLO’s strategy for years, and no-one was paying attention.   Andrés Manuel López Obrador has long proposed a key economic plan for Mexico to become wealthy. However, his idea has only recently gained broad mainstream Mexican understanding.

Conservative U.S. media have no idea; but democrats, activists and far-left immigration radicals certainly do. AMLO has thought this through, and he has seen the mistakes made by allies in Cuba and Venezuela.

AMLO has an economic plan where hundreds-of-thousands of his fellow Mexicans flood the Southern U.S. border region; overwhelm the system and essentially create an initial border economy; then, with the door and pathway created, begin a process of exfiltration of U.S. economic wealth directly into Mexico.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador is not crazy; he has a pretty ingenious strategy.

Through overwhelming the Southern border regions, the nation of Mexico will be able to influence local U.S. laws and overwhelm the local U.S. political structures.  The Ameri/Mex zone penetrates into the U.S. and provides a borderless opening for migration, trade, commerce and the education of Mexican citizens through the utilization of U.S. social and economic systems.


ht/ joe6pak

25 Comments on Mexico’s Plan To Overwhelm Our Border and Create a Wealth Sucking Vacuum

  1. At least now their presidente (soon to be elected) is making it government policy. We have to take action to defend our border! Shoot to kill the invaders, and hang those in the US trying to help them. This is about to be a declared war.

  2. This is a Declaration of War, and this country ought to treat it as such. Send the U.S. Army to the border. Round up all the illegal aliens and put them in real interment camps. Deport them and their anchor babies. This man’s election is going to play into President Trump’s hands. He can use it to mobilize the country to support his increasingly popular stand for putting Americans first for a change. Cancel NAFTA. And build the Make America Great Again Wall!

  3. This is now an official invasion or REVERSE colonialization.

    As far as ‘MEH’-hee-ko is concerned, they have not gotten over Polk.

    THEY want territory back so they are taking it now by ATTRITION.

    Why is La Raza called THE RACE(ist)


  4. We don’t need the military at the wall. We’ll need them for bombing runs.

    Just put a bounty on the worthless mf’ers at the border. Everybody can earn a little extra money.

  5. This is not the policy of an ally.

    I have tried to warn about this guy for months. He’s Hugo Chavez Jr. The election is within the next couple of weeks so it’s too late now.

    He’s saying that the Mexican Army will be defend their citizens’ right to invade our country. Semantics aside, that’s called an invasion.

    Waited too long to build the wall. It’s like trying to close the barn door after the horses are already out.

  6. Cliche, the Mexican Army? Are they as formidable as the French? This is make or break time for us! I’ll be picking up a few thousand rounds between now and Mexican election day. I hope like hell I never have to use them all, but if I need it I’ll know I’ve got it.

  7. @ Claudia – you mean a wall like in the Vatican…I know I’s an OLD wall…a very big stone wall.

    @ Major Mal – I dig and approve of your stra-tee-gery.
    Carry on.


  8. I knew that shit sounded familiar to me when I read it and than it hit me. In Nature this is strategy of every leech and parasite from tiny to big. Yes it works, short term. How much “blood” can it sucked, when there’s none. 😉

  9. Of course they aren’t just coming here for a better life. It costs them $5000 and more to get the smugglers to take them across the border. That buys a LOT in Mexico and most S. American countries.
    At least now it is official policy and the the US official policy can be strengthened.

  10. The truth is Mexico has never been an ally of the US. They resent us and use every means possible to undermine us at every turn. I can’t wait to see what Trump has in store for this big mouth punk.
    You think things are bad in Mexico now, just wait.
    Those flags you come here waving are getting shoved up your ass as we kick you greazy turds back over the border.


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