Mexico’s Population – IOTW Report

Mexico’s Population


The current population of Mexico in 2023 is 128,455,567, a 0.75% increase from 2022. The population of Mexico in 2022 was 127,504,125, a 0.63% increase from 2021. The population of Mexico in 2021 was 126,705,138, a 0.56% increase from 2020. The population of Mexico in 2020 was 125,998,302, a 0.73% increase from 2019.

The current population of U.S. in 2023 is 339,996,563, a 0.5% increase from 2022. The population of U.S. in 2022 was 338,289,857, a 0.38% increase from 2021. The population of U.S. in 2021 was 336,997,624, a 0.31% increase from 2020. The population of U.S. in 2020 was 335,942,003, a 0.49% increase from 2019.

I have no idea why I am posting these numbers. But, somehow, something seems wrong. When you factor in Covid and illegal immigration and Americans delaying marriage and having less kids…

Discuss. What? I dunno.

But discuss.

16 Comments on Mexico’s Population

  1. What’s happening is that the undesirables from other countries are making their way to USA via Mexico. For some time, it was a slow process. But now, it’s exploded.

    joe6pak and efemdy are correct. Illegal alien numbers need to be increased by 100% and the above numbers are just as “accurate” as any numbers put out by the Biden administration.

  2. In 1910, our population was just over 92,000,000. Despite increasing nearly 4 times since then, the size of the US House of “Representatives” hasn’t increased AT ALL. WE are the second least represented nation on earth. When we we founded, there was 1 rep for every 30,000 counted citizens. Now it is 1 for every 750,000 to 1,000,000. Illegals are NOT our problem. OUR GOVERNMENT IS!

  3. All you need to know is the 12 million number is still thrown around for amnesty. Those coming across the border at 11,000 per day (that were intercepted, but it’s more like 30,000), are simply replacing the ones that die off every day. ha.

    If it makes you feel any better, the actual population of the US is closer to 390,000,000. Probably even more, so the percentage increase is less.

    Just based on public observance and increase of businesses, homes, schools, and apartments in the area I live, in a Chicago suburb that is apparently losing population, everything has quite literally tripled in the 23 years at my current residence. Most of that buildup has been in the past 8 to 10 years. Something stinks.

  4. Illegals: add 60 million to those acknowledged by Goobermint.

    Looking aroud the Soviet of Washington, and lately central and Eastern Tennessee, there are far too many apartments going up to not have growth in even medium cities of 10,000.

  5. @joe6pak — The higher the number of constituents per representative the lower the influence of any single constituent. MrLiberty isn’t suggesting we need bigger govt, but rather a bigger House of Representatives. That’s not quite the same thing.

    Think of the wonderful gridlock potential of a House made up of 10,000 members! They’d never get anything done, and that would be GREAT!

  6. Uncle Al, I understand your math there, but I know how our government thinks and there is no way the House can expand its membership without every government agency demanding an expansion of their own. A bigger House of Representatives will immediately lead to bigger government.

  7. How about this, cap the total expenditure for the House of Representatives, including staffers at the current level. Any additions to their numbers will require an appropriate cut in pay for current members and staffers. We need to cut their numbers not increase them!

  8. To make any “population” numbers meaningful you have to know the number of births and the number of deaths (of citizens) and the number of illegal-alien invading rat-people who are here. Both in messico and the US of A. Mexico has an “immigrant” problem with rat-people using it as a transit route to the US of A.

    The floodgates are open and we are being swamped with these invaders.
    Until we take back our country, this will continue – and if it continues, we won’t be able to take back our country.

    Too many illegal-alien invading rat-people and too many native Satanic maggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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