Mexico’s sewage spills sickening California beachgoers, critics say – IOTW Report

Mexico’s sewage spills sickening California beachgoers, critics say

Up to 200 days a year, this otherwise pristine beach in Southern California is closed because of raw sewage and industrial waste from Mexico, a treaty violation for which Washington has shown little interest in enforcing.


“Unfortunately, the U.S. government seems to be in the mode that everything’s fine and don’t worry about it,” says Imperial Beach Mayor Serge Dedina, who got sick last week after surfing in the contaminated water. “That doesn’t fly anymore.”

The Port of San Diego and several other cities are joining Imperial Beach to sue the U.S. government and, more specifically, the State Department for failing to enforce a treaty that obligates Mexico to treat its sewage before sending it to the U.S.

“Literally and, pun intended, they don’t give a crap, it’s just not a big deal to them,” says U.S. Border Patrol agent Chris Harris. “Mexico has the money. It just isn’t a priority to them.”

Harris represents some 300 rank-and-file agents who patrol the area to keep out illegal immigrants. At least 83 agents filed complaints this year claiming they were affected by the waste, from respiratory problems to skin lesions and burns from the heavy metals dumped into the Tijuana River by the hundreds of industrial plants known as Maquiladora’s that moved south to avoid stringent American environmental rules.

“People are getting sick miles from the beach. It is really, really devastating,” says Dedina. “Tijuana is Mexico’s fourth largest city. Their sewage system is at the brink of collapse. There’s sewage spills and sewage leaks all over the city that get reported on by the Mexican press and their own beaches are filled with sewage nonstop.”

When Tijuana does have a break, it is supposed to call its counterparts in the U.S. at the International Border and Water Commission. Dedina and court records assert Mexico fails to report the spills on a regular basis, including a 250 million-gallon spill in February


SNIP: Mexico won’t take the illegals back, what makes them think they’re going to take back the sewage?

24 Comments on Mexico’s sewage spills sickening California beachgoers, critics say

  1. For almost 32 years I’ve operated my business in Imperial Beach. We finally made the Big Time, a headline on IOTW! FWIW, this has been going on for as long as I’ve been in IB. Beach closures happen all the time and there isn’t a damn thing that ever gets done. Nothing but flappage of lippage for decades.

    As for the Mayor, let’s just say I’m not a fan. He tried to designate IB as a sanctuary city but the city council and the will of the people forced him to rescind his proclamation.

  2. Why isn’t this a priority of jerky brown and the environuts that run mexifornia? I’d like to see it float right up the sacramento river to the capital. Take some of that $30 billion you’re spending on illegals and clean it up.

  3. I remember years ago listening to Paul Harvey. He had a story about how the government of Canada was going to sue the US because of acid rain doing damage in Canada. They did meteorological studies to prove their case. What they found was that the acid rain they were suing over could only have been caused in Canada, and there was no way the United States could have caused it. The lawsuit quietly went away.

    You have to remember that these things are only concerns when the U.S. does them. Everyone else is free to do what they want.

    Just listen to talks about Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. If the two are mentioned together, generally TMI is portrayed as one of the worst disasters that ever happened while Chernobyl is portrayed as a minor hiccup.

  4. It may now pump their fecal material across the border faster than previously. This has been going on for years,
    nobody on either side of the border list finger one to stop it!

  5. Hey, Mexifornia is doubly blessed as they get a large portion of Mexicos Browns and then they still get more Mexican brown straight from the orifices of Mexicans
    left behind but not forgotten!

  6. “Southern California is closed because of raw sewage and industrial waste from Mexico”

    I can’t keep up, illegal immigrants are no longer undocumented workers now we call them “industrial waste and sewage” ?

  7. Kind of epitomizes the whole moral situation of the US, doesn’t it?

    “America turning to shit by the efforts of Aliens and no political will to stop it.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Tony R: And the federal government gave a ton of money to New Orleans to repair the levees to protect against hurricanes, too. Don’t you know that the first billion dollars is earmarked to line the pockets of corrupt politicians?

  9. Typical liberals expect the US Gov to enforce the laws they pick and choose to enforce. How about you enforce federal immigration law and then we’ll worry about your sh*t issue.

  10. Tijuana’s Government is a complete Joke, they lie non stop right to our faces… ” I no Fart did you Jose , no not me ” !
    To the Mexican’s it’s a big joke, as long as they can do it and not pay for it they will !

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