Mexico’s Student Massacre – IOTW Report

Mexico’s Student Massacre

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s official account of the abduction and apparent massacre of 43 students last year does not add up, a team of international experts said on Sunday, citing deep flaws in the government’s investigation and dismissing its claims that the victims were incinerated in a garbage dump.


The case provoked a global outcry after the missing students were abducted in the city of Iguala in southwest Mexico on Sept. 26, 2014.  more

2 Comments on Mexico’s Student Massacre

  1. This is extremely complicated by the sounds of it.

    Were the students involved in something illegal (or even a prank) that put them in harms way?
    Is the police investigation corrupt to protect the kidnappers?
    Are the police incompetent?
    Were the police hindered by government higher-ups?

    Those are questions that came to my mind when reading the article. I’m more confused than enlightened.

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