MI Dem Rep Cynthia Johnson Stripped Of Committee Assignments – IOTW Report

MI Dem Rep Cynthia Johnson Stripped Of Committee Assignments

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26 Comments on MI Dem Rep Cynthia Johnson Stripped Of Committee Assignments

  1. As a MI homeowner has his home bombed days earlier. People making threats or encouraging others to commit violence against others need to be charged, fired and removed from any public office they hold. Losing a few committee assignments likely temporarily isn’t cutting it.

  2. No doubt she has a target on her back, and asking the military to do Americans in makes her a double target. Someone might take her up on it but the other way around. Be careful what you wish for woman.

  3. She’s the bitch who wouldn’t wear her badge before she came into the federal buildings just so someone can stop her to force her to identify herself and she could say, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? I AM A CONGRESSWOMAN!” And then call security guards racist.

  4. MJA
    DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 4:02 PM
    “She’s the bitch who wouldn’t wear her badge before she came into the federal buildings just so someone can stop her to force her to identify herself and she could say, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? I AM A CONGRESSWOMAN!” And then call security guards racist.”

    …seen THAT act before HERE, mmm huuh…


    ….they only do it because they CAN..

  5. Friends, if Team Trump can document coordination between the insurrectionists inside government and Google/YouTube that is all the evidence that the State is under attack from within by a hostile force capable of toppling the legitimate government.

    I would suggest that if the DOD has not yet tapped Mitt Romney’s phone that would be a good place to start gathering the evidence.

  6. This bint has admitted that Democrats and establishment Republicans have been gathering foot soldiers for the ground war. The major media and Big Tech has made it abundantly clear that they are all in in prosecuting the disinformation campaign and withholding information from the population at large. They don’t even try and keep that a secret. They are entrenched in the Democrat machine in all major population centers and control the balloting and counting of votes.

    What, pray tell, more do we need to understand what this is. It is a hostile takeover of the Government of the United States of America. Foreigners around the world recognize this coup da for what it is. It is openly being reported on around the world. To sit here like an ostrich with it’s head in the sand is suicide.

    It impresses me as the Executive and the the Homeland Security dept under the military are the only instrumentalities of government with the power and placement to bring down the legitimate Government that are not directly involved in this attempt to topple the legitimately elected President.

  7. Cancel culture can be a bitch, bitch!

    Use their own tactics against them.

    Wonderful news for now, but like all hemorrhoids she will return by horseback riding season.

  8. I hope someone is looking out for that nice indian lady that testified during the hearing. Cynthia was especially creepy to her, asking how to spell her last name and even asking what her maiden name was! It will be really sad if something happens to her or her family as a result of innocently handing that info over to Cynthia.

  9. I want Cynthia to know their are over a 100 million Americans who own guns and for her also to think about hamen the guy in the Bible who was hung on his own gallows!

    We will NOT be threatened anymore!

  10. LOCK HER UP!

    She was a real ass the night of the hearings. She never had specific questions, but would just criticize witnesses, calling them liars.

    At one point she claimed she had a question for Rudy. At that point, she asked if Rudy and the President were honest men and was gaveled down again.

  11. McKinney! Thanks. I figured it out late last night. I was laughing because Daily Caller kept calling her ‘Jones’ and other blogs picked it up, too.
    She’s so annoying no one wants to remember her name.

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