MI Gov. Orders Stay-At-Home – IOTW Report

MI Gov. Orders Stay-At-Home

(WXYZ) — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer [D-bag) announced a stay-at-home order for the state of Michigan through at least April 13.

All Michigan business and operations are ordered to temporarily suspend in-person operations that are not necessary to sustain or protect life.

Effective at 12:01 a.m. on March 24, for at least the next three weeks, individuals may only leave their homes and residences under very limited circumstance and must adhere to social distancing rules.

“In just 13 days, we’ve gone from 0 to over 1,000 COVID-19 cases,” Whitmer said in a press release.

Don’t bother to read the rest here.

“…from 0 to over 1,000” cases BECAUSE WE JUST STARTED TO TEST PEOPLE.

I better not say more or I’ll get a ‘visit’ from our overlords.

23 Comments on MI Gov. Orders Stay-At-Home

  1. This whole close-it-down crap is akin to criminalizing walking and ripping up the sidewalks because there was a statistically significant spike in uncoordinated people tripping over their own feet.

  2. Try getting in the Cleveland Clinic for a Doc appt. 50 questions at the door, don’t touch anything, banded and sanitized. Someone with gloves did the check in terminal for me. Husband not allowed and told to wait in the car.

    Good news is the surgical staples are gone. Lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks and still can’t eat much, however, I can eat all the stuff that was forbidden for years. Of course restaurants are closed – don’t it figure? The biopsy was benign!!!!! IOTWR prayers work.

  3. …I don’t think it’s as simple as just being a Democrat in sheep’s clothing with Weaselly Dewhine, though. I think it goes deeper, that he was shoved in one too many lockers when he was growing up, and this is his moment to use the big, strong men who persecuted HIM as a boy instead do HIS bidding and take it out on the WHOLE ENTIRE STATE instead.

    …just be glad he’s not President, folks not from Ohio. He’d be MUCH, MUCH worse…

  4. Forget 3 weeks. Chatter is picking up around the idea of 3 months lockdown. Because that’s what models are suggesting to avoid over running hospitals. Even that will probably change to Joe 30330.

  5. Eugenia MARCH 23, 2020 AT 2:21 PM
    “Good news is the surgical staples are gone. Lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks and still can’t eat much, however, I can eat all the stuff that was forbidden for years. Of course restaurants are closed – don’t it figure? The biopsy was benign!!!!! IOTWR prayers work.”

    ….Praise God for that, Eugenia, and thank you for the praise report! it is ALWAYS welcome to see Him move in His people no matter WHAT satan may be doing in the rest of the world…a lot of us were praying for you, and prayers answered are blessed signs that He has not removed His Spirit from this sin-sick world yet, so there is still time, but the clock is getting short and that’s why the devil is getting nervous…

    May God continue to bless you, Eugenia. Prayers do not stop only when the healing has just begun, so as we have begun, we will continue…

    God bless,

  6. Lock and load, Claudia – and get that garden started, hip permitting!

    Also, chickens (fresh eggs!). Spring is the time to buy baby chicks. If you have to, get local help to put up a coop. If anyone gives you a hard time, tell ’em “it’s essential!”

  7. Scratch a (d-bag) – these days ALWAYS find a screaming totalitarian longing for power, knee high black leather boots, whips, railroad cars and communal showers. Prove me wrong…

    We have a total of 34 (!) reported cases of the virus here in MT (or what’s left of it), geographically the State with the 4th largest land mass and the 4th smallest population. The (d-bag) Governor and former Presidential hopeful – now running for Senate – l’il Stevie “Thaaat’s Not Who We Are” Bullock has shut about everything down, aided and abetted by all the panicky sheep running most running most local and county government operations and agencies. But so far no stay at home orders. Panic buying continues, even for cartridge reloading components. Store shelves still bereft of most paper products. Lucky for us our parents and grandparents weren’t like this in the 1930s and 1940s!

    Great idea with the (d-bag), Claudia!

  8. @ Eugenia – so happy for your good news, you, PJ and Claudia still in my nightly prayers.

    Well here in Illinois, the heir to the Hyatt fortune has had us in ” lock down ” for a week, and now continued to April 7th.

    @ SNS – prospects out of here not much better since Lincoln,and that’s debatable. Remember Obama technically not from here only use us as his springboard with Oprah, who also was not from here.

  9. Jimmy, we already have the produce growing in peat pots ready to transplant when it’s time (snowed this morning; gone already. Usually have to wait for mid April to plant).

    We have a chicken coop that just needs some TLC. We should be ready for chicks next spring. 🐤

    Marilyn, thanks for the prayers! Can walk without my cane for most of the day (in the house) until I over-do it! If I’m out, use the cane just in case.

  10. We will be under “Shelter in place” (state-wide) starting tomorrow.
    As a precaution, don’t forget to:

    Thoroughly clean your bathtub, and then fill it up with water. Put an empty pour-bucket (or pot) nearby

    Clean and fill all empty bottles (with caps) with drinking water.
    Fill to near the cap (minimal “head space”) to reduce air contamination within the closed bottle.

  11. God bless you, Eugenia, Claudia.
    I’m so happy that you’re both recovering well. ♡

    I’m sort of worried about the lockdowns and if it’ll affect my upcoming allergist appt… it’s on the 28th. Maybe I should call now???


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