Michigan Governor Is At It Again – IOTW Report

Michigan Governor Is At It Again

Gov. Witless extended our house arrest until May 15th last week. Today, she extended the shuttering of most businesses to May 28th. I signed a petition for recall a couple of weeks ago. That’s now too good for her.

Here is an excellent article that explains her “Tyrannical Soul”.

Oh, and if you don’t want to ralph on your keyboard, close your eyes and scroll down 1/2 page. You will NOT want to see that picture. Don’t blame me if you don’t heed my warning!

The Tyrannical Soul of Gretchen Whitmer

American Greatness – When Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation he was criticized by abolitionists for not issuing a more sweeping order. He refused to do so, asking “If I take the step, must I not do so . . . without any argument, except the one that I think the measure politically expedient, and morally right? Would I not thus give up all footing upon constitution or law? Would I not thus be in the boundless field of absolutism? Could this pass unnoticed, or unresisted?”

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer stepped into this boundless field at the end of April. The legislature refused to extend her emergency powers as required by the Emergency Management Act of 1976, so she granted herself the extension the legislature refused. She declared a new, separate state of emergency under a dubious interpretation of the Emergency Powers to the Governor Act of 1945, and granted herself the extension the legislature refused. Sound statutory construction dictates that when two statutes cover exactly the same ground, the more recent statute governs, and the more recent statute limits the governor’s power to 28 days unless extended by the legislature.

Even if both laws are still fully operative, they must be read in a way that is not nonsensical. Whitmer’s construction of the two acts effectively reads, “The governor’s emergency power shall extend no longer than 28 days, unless extended by the legislature, unless the governor, according to her own unfettered will, shall choose to extend her own power, in which case it shall last as long as she pleases it to last.”

The 1976 statute obviously was intended to limit the duration of the governor’s emergency powers, and she has simply ignored that. The state of Michigan will be governed by Whitmer’s unlimited, arbitrary will until she deigns to allow the rule of law to resume.


h/t forcibly rearranged

24 Comments on Michigan Governor Is At It Again

  1. Hey, at least Michigan has a republican-controlled legislature to hopefully rein her in. In Oregon our democrap super majority will let Kate do whatever she wants. So we are f***ed.

  2. “If I take the step, must I not do so . . . without any argument, except the one that I think the measure politically expedient, and morally right? Would I not thus give up all footing upon constitution or law? Would I not thus be in the boundless field of absolutism? Could this pass unnoticed, or unresisted?”

    kinda funny, coming from Mr. Suspension of Habeas Corpus

    … just sayin’

  3. @Μολων Λαβε:

    kinda funny, coming from Mr. Suspension of Habeas Corpus

    Amen. Also Mr. Jailer of Newspapermen and a U.S. Senator, Mr. Warrantless Wiretapper of Telegraphs, Mr. Kidnapper of State Legislators, ad nauseam.

  4. As Abraham Lincoln feared, Government of the people, by the people, and for the people has vanished from the United States. Long Gone in California as well. We have a rectal orfice who wants to be king.

  5. it is telling how quickly we humans gravitate to Absolutism, particularly those w/ a little power
    these Governors, particularly the tin-pot despots in the D’Rat ranks, & some RINO’s (yeah you, Lockdown Larry) so quickly grasp the reigns of tyranny when it is presented

    these ‘governors’ should be ashamed of themselves. they have shown by their own actions that they shouldn’t be in charge of a walk around the block.

    in the only country in the history of the world, that was founded upon an idea, they should be ashamed …. they should be turned out of office

    … as many, many of those in the US government ……… SHAME ON ALL OF THEM!

    “America where are you now
    Don’t you care about your sons and daughters
    Don’t you know we need you now
    We can’t fight alone against the monster”

  6. This story about Gov. Wittless got me thinking, so I researched Oregon law, and what do you know; it looks like our own rug-muncher Gov. Kate has also exceeded her authority.
    ORS 433.441.5:
    “A proclamation of a state of public health emergency expires when terminated by a declaration of the Governor or no more than 14 days after the date the public health emergency is proclaimed unless the Governor expressly extends the proclamation for an additional 14-day period.”

    Note it says AN additional 14 day period.

  7. “Protective custody lock down will continue until it is 100% safe, and there is 0% chance of anyone being harmed or offended by anything after we permit you to venture outside your front door.

    I your Governor-god need more time to recreate Eden. A Utopian world for you. Before I allow any of you out of your cages, er homes, into a new Michigan, a new America of perfect freedom, without fear of any harm. For you will surely die if you fail to follow my rules.”

    https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/video-corona-and-serpents-lie-eve-frontpagemagcom/ .

  8. @Tony R:

    Note it says AN additional 14 day period.

    And any reasonable person would agree that this means a maximum of 28 days.

    But govt lawyers and judges? Being reasonable? Heh. They will likely argue that the extension is itself a proclamation and so may be extended for 14 days, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

  9. Democrats are just trying to tank the economy now, just to give Trump something he can’t campaign on.


    As usual, the democrats are willing to destroy the country, if they can’t have it, while Republicans relent every time to save it.

    I say, stop being the hero, let it be torn apart, and SECEDE, the democrats need Republican hard work and values system to keep it functioning, and when that’s gone (Detroit etc) it collapses.

    Sometimes you have to burn down a house just to get rid of the termites, then just rebuild a better one. (kinda like the pilgrims did by leaving Europe for America)

  10. ^^^

    “Democrats are just trying to tank the economy now, just to give Trump something he can’t campaign on.”

    YEP. That and fraudulently inflated corona numbers to blame on him.

  11. TONY R

    As our President said 18 years ago, “LAWS ARE FOR LITTLE PEOPLE!”! Guvs, Sen, Reps,….ARE NOT LITTLE PEOPLE! After 18 years you have not got it?

    Laws do not apply to them~! the only people who have to follow the law are Deplorables. Has been so for 19 years!

    I know he said “Laws are for little people !” with a smile on his face. So you thought in jest.

  12. Will Michigan’s legislature sue Gov Dem-Whit in the Michigan Supreme Court?

    And if the Michigan Supreme Court rules against Gov Dem-Whit, will she comply?

    And if Gov Dem-Whit doesn’t comply, what is the next legal step? Federal marshals physically remove her from office and the Lt Gov becomes the new Gov?

  13. Whittmer told CNN: “…the protests featured “Confederate flags and nooses,” as well as swastikas.”

    I saw pictures of armed militia, but no confederate flags, nooses, or swastikas. Has anyone seen pictures of that?

  14. These little dictator Governors are doing it for the federal bail out money they want.
    In an article in the Portland Press Herald aka Portland Depressed Herald, Troy Jackson, a D legislator from up north admitted that if they open the state it will risk any federal bail out money Maine could get.

    These people are despicable. Putting money over people’s lives. And do you really think they would spend the money on helping people who have lost everything? Not a chance. In Maine they’d put it all in welfare, the foreign freeloaders from Africa and their pet projects.

  15. Current Michigan recall law calls for signatures amounting to 25% or more of the last vote.
    North Carolina changed theirs when it looked like the Natives were restless.
    Will Michigan do the same?
    Pure Michigan?
    More like Pure Bullshit!

  16. @TimBuktu:

    Whittmer told CNN: “…the protests featured “Confederate flags and nooses,” as well as swastikas.”

    I saw pictures of armed militia, but no confederate flags, nooses, or swastikas. Has anyone seen pictures of that?

    Articles in the Swampstream Media did have a photo of a guy holding a swastika banner. It was a lie: the photo was utterly unrelated and taken at a different place on a different date.

  17. ode to michigan (my-s**t-is-gone):
    .a t**t gubernor known as “half-wit”
    .kept getting her a** in the s**t
    .the state economy she be wreckin’
    .the Constitution she ain’t ree-speckin’
    .just another lawyer-liar lib-twit!

  18. When there are protests against republican governors, the governor almost always backs down.

    When there are protests against democrat governors, the governor almost always doubles down.

  19. @TimBuktu:: I did see one protester with a sign that referred to Wittmer as a nazi for her tactics, and it had a small swastika, so I suppose Snopes would say she was truthful.


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