Miami Cops Aren’t Messin’ Around – IOTW Report

Miami Cops Aren’t Messin’ Around

ht/ c. steven tucker

22 Comments on Miami Cops Aren’t Messin’ Around

  1. It would have been more perfect if someone had walked up to that screamer and punched him/her in the mouth and taken him/her out.

    Nulla Misericordia!!

  2. Expect all these officers to be fired by midnight and arrested for assault by tomorrow to please the rage mob. You reap what you sow and you will soon have the justice you so richly deserve which is no justice at all when there are no LEOs left to protect you.

    I read today that American Truckers will refuse to load or deliver to cities who disband their police forces, so good luck surviving without capitalism and police you stupid fucks.

    Lock and load patriots because the cities will explode when PDJT wins in a landslide. A civil war is coming.

  3. What is about the South that they have more respect for law and order and aren’t afraid for the most part to put down and arrest rioters and looters where they belong in jail. Are we so touchy, feely up here in the NW that we can’t do anything about these anarchist bastards. Welcome to the hell of Ecotopia or Ecodopia, take your pick.

  4. A baton to the head of that loud mouthed n*gger (I hate that word, but sometimes it is necessary – and this time it was) filming the scene would have been an appropriate ending to the video.

  5. Inspired by JDHasty because Johnny Carson isn’t on Saturday nights any more:

    Soy there! That’s a niiice bike!

    What soy you I take it for a little spin?

    OK, now you’ve had your soy!

    You didn’t soy that!

    Soy it isn’t so.

    Soy it isn’t soy!

    Soy help me! Don’t make me soy it!

    Soy whah?

    Don’t ever soy Thoity Doity Boids, again, I soy.

    But I didn’t soy Thoity Doity Boids!

    You just soyded it!

  6. For all our cops take a kick to the groin so I don’t have to. For walking into that house where two people have set about killing each other and nobody dies because you showed up. For all the times you got cussed by somebody knows how to do it. For the times you got an old guy with dementia home that walked off when nobody was looking. For the times you sat and listened to a drunk and suicidal vet and nobody died. And got that vet some help. For that time you snatched the guy likes to hit women and processed him into the jail. For the time you spent an hour talking to a young man in front of my house, calming him down, and getting him into treatment instead of just clobbering his wild ass.

    Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I can’t do your job and I know it. Thank you for doing it in my stead. I’ll watch your back every chance I get and no one will assail your six if I am present. This I can offer, as a poor assist to what you do every day.

  7. When you attack a cop with a skateboard to the head, you should be shot. It’s that simple.

    Miami is clearly not run by the kinds of psycho morons running Minnepolis, NY and LA.

  8. When you consider the extraordinarily bad behavior of so many poorly raised young people in this country you realize it’s a wonder the police haven’t taken drastic action more often than they have. You raise animals, they get treated like animals.

  9. from what i just saw on that video…skateboards need to be registered and there must be a background check with the feds before purchasing one.

    the cops should drop anyone at a protest with a skateboard.

  10. At the age of 25, I realized a life goal which was to go to Europe for 2 months. In Barcelona, I was almost raped twice within 24 hours (got the hell out after the one day). Both times, a quick knee to the balls of the would-be rapist worked very well. This has become my “go-to” method of dealing with potential bad people. Also works well with women who are not nice.


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