Mic on Groom at altar picks up Bride’s final hour confession – IOTW Report

Mic on Groom at altar picks up Bride’s final hour confession

Groom hears about dump at the last moment

ht/ woody

25 Comments on Mic on Groom at altar picks up Bride’s final hour confession

  1. She could have said, “Thanks to the deep doggie-style anal I received at last night’s Chippendale Bachelorette Party, I dropped a huge load about an hour ago.”

    Oops, projecting again.

  2. At least she didn’t call off the wedding due to post-partum depression.

    Luckily, their church hosts a Tuesday night “Coping With Loss” support group.

  3. “I have to tell you, you look fantastic!”

    “Well, it’s because I just took a huge dump before I came out here.”

    Metamucil. For those special, good time moments in life.
    Available at all Walgreens.

  4. It’s funny ! She has a sense of Humor, and They are obviously

    comfortable with each other …I didn’t know Women Pooped until well

    into My 30’s !!!

  5. That’s almost as bad as the story about the guy who wore a kilt (in the traditional authentic manner, commando) for his wedding, after going #2 at the reception he skipped completing the paperwork. Then made his second mistake siting on the bride’s lap. It was no longer white after he stoop up. She should have skipped consomating the marriage & gone for an annulment. His hygiene probably wasn’t going to improve.


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