Michael Avenatti Claims He Has Multiple Credible Witnesses That Will Say Kavanaugh Participated in Gang Rapes in High School – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti Claims He Has Multiple Credible Witnesses That Will Say Kavanaugh Participated in Gang Rapes in High School

Wake me up when multiple credible witnesses are lined up willing to say Kavanaugh wears suits of flesh made from the skin of women he raped and killed.


Lawyer Michael Avenatti told the Senate Judiciary Committee late Sunday that he has multiple witnesses who can say Brett Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes of drunken women during high school.

“We are aware of significant evidence of multiple house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the early 1980s during which Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them,” Avenatti said in an email to Mike Davis, chief counsel for nominations for the Senate Judiciary Committee.


The left will never allow any nominee by Trump to ever get nominated without going to despicable lengths to stop it. They have no shame, no conscience, no scruples.

It is war.

If we don’t see a tsunami of red these midterms I will be clinically depressed over our inability to beat back these criminals.




29 Comments on Michael Avenatti Claims He Has Multiple Credible Witnesses That Will Say Kavanaugh Participated in Gang Rapes in High School

  1. This theater of sedition is every bit a part of the socialist establishment move to further damage President Trump and sacrifice a Supreme Court Nominee at any cost. Grassley and the Senate committee are unwitting dupes being played by the media, Schumer and the DNC.

    Soros, the Media, DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Mueller, DOJ and FBI are all in for the Democrat win in November through lies, obstruction and distraction.

    They have clearly shown who they are and what they are wiling to do to gain power and finish the US where obama failed.

  2. this must be more of feinsteins’s ‘chinese firedrill’ strategy. The members of congress just sit back and the clowns running around from the broken down circus train just take over the show. Hands up. ‘It ain’t me doing this shit.’

    this avenatti fellow- if he gets one more client, he can put ‘pimp’ on his resume.
    Why isn’t it acceptable to pay someone to not disclose something that is noncriminal, personal and private, but it is acceptable to pay someone to disclose the same? Who’s rulebook is being used? And is there even a rulebook anymore?

  3. Yes. There is one person who can end this and that is Grassley.
    I guess he scheduled the hearings for Thursday. Whatever, but if he agrees to listen to anything else or to extend hearings unless there is something really compelling on Thursday then he is just giving Dems more signals that they can get away with this crap.

  4. If the FBI can miss an unrepentant member of an open and well-known gangraping clique to escape their six background checks, they need to padlock their own doors and shut the whole thing down.

    And to make sure I have this right, twat reached out to Avenatti (“a civil rights attorney”) who shopped this fiction to The New Yorker thanks in part to their total lack of a gag reflex. Dozens of people who know both parties have documents their dispute of Ramirez and Avenatti’s lies but it’s still 72-font, top of the fold bullshit with a matching Drudge chyron.

    I hope he rapes the shit of their assholes from the Supreme Court for the next 40 years and grooms a crop of ambitious legal rapists take a number until death finally pries the gavel out of his unwilling iron fist some time around 2060.

  5. Were it not for the Bush/Obama/Rove UNIPARTY Bret would have been vote and approved last week!
    Bush + Obama are laughing up their sleeves. – AT AMERICA!

    23 years ago they totally ignored Juanita – and she did file charges – but the GWB guys use fake rape as an excuse to hurt Don!

  6. The anti-Grassley folk need to remember: this is about optics, and there is an election coming up.

    Sure, Grassley could have rammed a vote through…. in order for the progs to go to Plan B for Kavanaugh: impeachment.

    Yep, that’s their Plan B: impeach a Supreme Court justice….

    We *need* a Trump wave in November. Tell your friends…. lobby…

    A “pushed through” vote would have incited the left, confused the confused.

    I rather think, on the contrary, it would be cool if Grassley decided that all of this is too overwhelming and we, as a country, must deal with it all *after* the November elections….

    Then: THE RED WAVE! ….Lady in Red

  7. If you took all the slimy lizards and pond scum out from the practice of law, How would we mere fly-over rubes ever interpret the millions of laws, regulations and rules in place from city hall to Washington DC?

    Admittedly, slimy lizards and pond scum serve a purpose when maneuvering through millions of laws, rules and regulatory land mines created by bureaucrats and lawyers in congress.

  8. Oh dear! However did I manage to post my VERY MOST IMPORTANT POST EVER as Anonymous? …smile…

    Too quick on the pump handle, again?

    Anyway, the post above is mine, and it is important.

    Trump has enemies from all over. He’s pretty incredible, but, finally, he is only one man.

    We need to help. …Lady in Red

  9. Okay, ladies: Who wants to join me in a class action lawsuit against these accusers? I am horrified that these wimmen kept quiet for decades and allowed this monster to walk among us. They are accessories after the fact and I want each one held accountable for all the wimmen he victimized after she didn’t report an assault. These wimmen have put us all at risk!

  10. Call the committee leadership and your state’s congressional reps. Let them know that if they think we aren’t paying attention to this reprehensible ploy being played out for the umpteenth time by the D’s, they should turn in their resignations. Tell the D committee members that if they are participating in creating and promoting the lies about Kavanah, they are going to go down hard and fast.

    webpage of the Senate Judiciary committee members and their official websites (contacts):


    CALL, EMAIL, CALL. This is OUR gov’t, not theirs. Put in the time required to run it.

  11. I remember driving across the Steppes on my Mongolian pony, behind the Great Khan and beside Brett Kavanaugh. The rapes, the pillaging, the burning! Oh! The Humanity!
    Kavanaugh was the leader of the Third Horde, as was called that grotesque army on the right wing, second only to Ogedei, son of the Great Khan. It was he, Kavanaugh, who led the Third Horde on its rampage through Central Asia; sacking, burning, raping, stealing, and killing.

    After the death of the Great Khan, when Ogedei acceded to the Mongrel dais, the Kavanaugh (as he was called) relinquished all commands, took his ill-gotten booty, and rode off to study “Law.”

    The last I saw of him was the silhouettes of his receding yurts, back-lit by the setting sun.


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