Michael Avenatti “in the process” of being booked for smacking around a woman – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti “in the process” of being booked for smacking around a woman

USA Today-

“He hasn’t been officially booked. He is in the process,” LAPD Officer Jeff Lee told USA TODAY.

In a tweet, the LAPD wrote, “We can confirm that today LAPD Detectives arrested Michael Avenatti on suspicion of domestic violence. This is an ongoing investigation and we will provide more details as they become available.”

A call and text message seeking comment from Avenatti weren’t immediately returned.




TMZ and BuzzFeed News had first reported that Avenatti was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. Early reports indicated that the incident involved with Avenatti’s estranged wife, Lisa Storie-Avenatti, but her lawyer released a statement to NBC News denying those accounts.

“The Vermont Democratic Party has cancelled Mr. Avenatti’s forthcoming scheduled appearances in Vermont, and will be refunding all ticket sales.”

39 Comments on Michael Avenatti “in the process” of being booked for smacking around a woman

  1. someone ought to bring up a bunch of slut puppies to tell ludicrous tales about his ‘continued history of abuse’

    lessee … slave domination, shaved German Shepherds, underage girls w/ Joe Biden, naked Boy Scouts found in closets, John Podesta Satan-worshipping interludes, fun w/ Obama & Reggie at Man’s Country, riding Moose around the White House in chaps & a whip … Creepy Porn Lawyer is at least guilty of ‘all the above’

    … no proof needed … we MUST believe them!

  2. I won’t believe a word of this until I read it in a sworn affidavit prepared by one of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s senior staff members. And, no, I don’t mean her Chinese spy. I want to read it from the same people who vetted all of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers. Until then, this distinguished member of the California legal community is innocent until proven something else. Basta!

  3. btw …. ““The Vermont Democratic Party has cancelled Mr. Avenatti’s forthcoming scheduled appearances in Vermont, and will be refunding all ticket sales.”

    …. BOTH of them

  4. From “lonesome Dove,” “Smackin’ a surley bartender ain’t no crime even in Texas.”
    Smacking Occasional Ortiz wouldn’t be a real crime.
    Smacking the shit out of Avenetti wouldn’t be a crime.
    Smackin’ the shit out of Jim COSTA, WOULDN’T BE A CRIME.
    Smackin’ the piss outta Schep Smith, and his asshole buddies, Juanita Williams, Andie Cooper, Don Lemona, dick brains Cuomo and Matthews: Mika no brain and Slow Joe, wouldn’t be a crime.
    It would be a Community Service.

  5. I’ll just LOVE watching the media — who embraced, celebrate and even considered him the Savior of the Country — scramble to get away from this burning pile of crap. They deserve every bit of discomfort they’re going to feel.

  6. @Dianny:

    …watching the media…scramble to get away from this burning pile of crap.

    Heh! When I read that I instantly had the mental image of somebody running away after leaving a burning paper bag full of Avenatti on the media’s doorstep and ringing the bell.

  7. Just the beginning. He’s being betrayed by his masters, the Deep State. Even they don’t want a greasy slime ball thinking he could be President. By the time they’re finished, he’ll wish he had just stayed with chasing ambulances.

  8. As much as I’d like to believe, those tweets sound fishy to me. Even so, it’s good to see him receiving the same treatment he gave to Justice Kavanaugh. And even better to see the Left scrambling to defend him.


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