Michael Bloomberg Floated Cuts to Social Security and Medicare in 2011 – IOTW Report

Michael Bloomberg Floated Cuts to Social Security and Medicare in 2011

Breitbart: Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg once floated supporting cuts to Social Security and Medicare, despite criticizing President Trump with the false claim that he would do so.

“When he was running for office, Donald Trump promised not to touch Social Security, and yet as president, he’s proposed cuts,” Bloomberg said Sunday. “When I’m in the White House, I will keep my word to seniors and to the American people.”

During his campaign for president, Trump repeatedly distanced himself from Republicans such as Rep. Paul Ryan, who told Americans that cuts in Social Security and Medicare were essential to the long-term strength of the programs.

But Bloomberg embraced that kind of rhetoric in an interview with Fox News Sunday in 2011.

“We cannot continue to say we’ve got to cut, but we can’t touch Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security, defense,” Bloomberg said in the interview. “That’s virtually 90 percent of all of our spending.” MORE

13 Comments on Michael Bloomberg Floated Cuts to Social Security and Medicare in 2011

  1. People calling for cutting or eliminating SS and Medicare benefit payments rarely or never call for cutting or eliminating the worker’s taxes that finance them.

    And it seems that no one ever asks them about it.

  2. There should be cuts to SS and Medicare. But in a way that pays out for what has already been paid in, diminishes payments as it diminishes payouts, and reduces government in general.
    Individuals and businesses are always more efficient than governments. Move control of the purse back to individuals and businesses.

  3. I was pretty dang young when I remember seeing on 60 minutes or one the news shows where the reporter was led to the basement of one of the government buildings and shown a file cabinet with basically IOU’s where the government had taken money from social security to use for pet projects or whatever. How can the government write IOU’s? That’s my/our money. I don’t remember voting on that.

    85years ago all who could do math (a minority admitted) knew it was a “Ponzi Scheme”! that is why FDR exempted all govt workers. So they would not have a good reason to fight it. 50 years ago I worked for Orange County and paid no SS. When I left I had forgot how small it made my check; shocked at my first paycheck!

    I voted Barry 56 years ago! Never regretted it!

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