Michael Flynn Judge Seeks Review Of Key FBI Notes Before Sentencing Decision – IOTW Report

Michael Flynn Judge Seeks Review Of Key FBI Notes Before Sentencing Decision

DC: The federal judge who will issue a sentence against Michael Flynn next week wants to review FBI documents related to a fateful White House interview that the retired lieutenant general gave to two FBI agents just days into his tenure as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser.

District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on Wednesday ordered Flynn’s lawyers to hand over two documents: a memo that then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe wrote after speaking with Flynn ahead his Jan. 24, 2017 interview with two FBI agents and the FBI summary of notes taken during that same interview.

That summary, known as an FD-302, was compiled on Aug. 22, 2017 by the two FBI agents who interviewed Flynn. It is unclear why the summary was put together seven months after the Flynn interview.  more here

8 Comments on Michael Flynn Judge Seeks Review Of Key FBI Notes Before Sentencing Decision

  1. When they told Gen Flynn not to bring an attorney, should have been a clue to bring one.
    That is the equivalent to denying him the right to counsel. He has the right to an attorney and to have him present during questioning. General Flynn’s Miranda Rights were violated
    by the FIB.

  2. No, the judge cannot throw out the case during sentencing. The judge can, under appropriate circumstances, allow General Flynn to withdraw his plea. More likely, though, is that this an effort to make sure that Flynn serves no jail time.

  3. Why, in the day of video cameras and cheap storage, does the FBI get away with using FD-302s, which are drawn up after the fact, based on the agent’s recollections of the “interview”??


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