Michael Jackson Invented It – This Dude Perfected It – IOTW Report

Michael Jackson Invented It – This Dude Perfected It

Like he is gliding on ice.

ht/ jerry manderin

Wait! There’s more—

13 Comments on Michael Jackson Invented It – This Dude Perfected It

  1. Stop looking at his feet… Has anyone noticed his hair? !

    And, he seems to do this at stoplights. Is this the Polish version of what we called a Chinese Fire Drill back in our politically incorrect youth?

  2. this from Wiki …
    “As a result of the success of “Minnie the Moocher”, [Cab] Calloway became identified with its chorus, gaining the nickname “The Hi De Ho Man”.[21] He performed in the 1930s in a series of short films for Paramount. Calloway’s and Ellington’s groups were featured on film more than any other jazz orchestras of the era. In these films, Calloway can be seen performing a gliding backstep dance move, which some observers have described as the precursor to Michael Jackson’s moonwalk.”

    & there’s this …
    (Callaway’s @ the 1:46 mark)


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