Michael Moore Regretfully Tells His Base That Trump Will Likely Win in November – IOTW Report

Michael Moore Regretfully Tells His Base That Trump Will Likely Win in November

Liberal Michael Moore believes Trump will win this November. The AP reported: LOS ANGELES (AP) — Filmmaker Michael Moore is causing a stir with his comments about Donald Trump. The famously liberal Moore says he’s sorry to say it, but he thinks the Republican could win the presidency. In a Wednesday night appearance on an online edition of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Moore said he thought the verbal attacks on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at this week’s Republican National Convention play to “a lot of people” Trump has to win over to become president. “I think Trump is going to win. I’m sorry,” he said. “People are in denial of this, but the chance of winning is really, really good.”
ht/ Annie

23 Comments on Michael Moore Regretfully Tells His Base That Trump Will Likely Win in November

  1. I find it hard to imagine that a shitpickle-eating socialist could deign to relate a fact, however obvious that fact may be. This may be a stratagem, on the part of Soros and his minions, to subdue the ardor for Mr. Trump and enrage the socialist base. If the election of Mr. Trump is seen as a given, more of his supporters will be inclined to stay at home, and more of the “free shit” voters might turn out.

    Maybe I’m giving them too much credit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Financially, it will be much better for Moore if Trump is elected. He amassed over $50+ million bashing government during the Bush years. Under 8 years of Obamarxist, his blaming of problems on GOP in government doesn’t have the same impact because it’s so obvious that the GOP has no real power in government. So anything that bothers the left now about US government policy falls squarely in the lap of the DNC.

  3. @Tim.
    A sound strategy used before.
    In the same light I’ve never seen so many people upset with the way government is being run by Obama …..and hillary wanting to continue Obama’s legacy of National division and failure.
    The differences between hillary and Trump are so diametrically opposed that nothing would keep Trump voters from the polls.
    The stakes are just too high.
    I’m more concerned about vote integrity in the democrat controlled metro-areas where 120% of the registered voters turn out for the election (not counting the dead).

  4. Ah, go ahead, Mikie, admit it, a Trump win is what you want! You’re old and tired of hanging out with Occupiers and you really don’t want to adopt those Syrian “refugees” into your home in Michigan, because you want very much to just slouch on your back porch and slurp milkshakes while a whole hog is roasting on the spit, and enjoy all the riches you made by being a big ol Capitalist, don’tcha, Mikie?

  5. “I’m more concerned about vote integrity in the democrat controlled metro-areas where 120% of the registered voters turn out for the election (not counting the dead)”

    That’s why all the prognosticators all say Trump will win by a landslide. Because he will surely lose a squeaker.

  6. That fat piece of shit will have more access to pizzas and sides of beef when Trump is in there fixing our crashed economy. Then all we need to hear from the bastard is the chewing of food until he explodes.

  7. Actually, the first use of the word “shitpickle” occurred when I introduced Al Gore to King Cnut. Mr. Gore convinced King Cnut that the sea was, indeed, rising, and had to be commanded to recede.

    King Cnut intoned, (much to Mr. Gore’s delight) “Recede, ye dastard Shitpickles of the Sea!”

  8. @B C Aiech:

    I may have been the one to introduce “twatwaffle” here as a word. To me, it perfectly describes the entire student body of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York.

    I have the misfortune of living right around the corner from this school (which happens to be the current titleholder of “The Most Expensive College in United States”). Your average “Sally Larry” student is a trust-fund, libtard, gender-confused Bernie Sanders supporter who has multiple piercings and needed “safe spaces” when I “terrorized” the campus with “TRUMP 2016” chalkings along the public roadways that run through the campus.

    I have considerable truck with these idiots because the little mom-and-pop grocery store where I do my midweek grocery runs happens to carry a line of organic snacks that is very popular with these students. It’s an excellent day when I can bait them with offhaned comments to the store’s owners (a Korean couple who came here LEGALLY and are now U.S. citizens), e.g. “That Hillary Clinton! She’s just Mary Jo Buttafuoco with a law degree, isn’t she?”

    They are twatwaffles for sure, also CAITIFFS, a word first used here by the ghost of James Joyce, who posts as “Moe Tom.” 🙂

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