Michael Moore: They Voted For A Guy Named ‘Hussein’ Twice, Trump Voters Are Not Racist – IOTW Report

Michael Moore: They Voted For A Guy Named ‘Hussein’ Twice, Trump Voters Are Not Racist

DailyCaller: Michael Moore disputed the notion that all the people who voted for President-elect Donald Trump are racist Friday, reiterating the fact that millions of them voted for President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.
“They’re not racist,” Moore said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “They twice voted for a man whose middle name is Hussein. That’s the America you live in.”

Moore was pushing back against another panelist who said “deep racial animus” at the heart of the country was behind Trump’s win. “What I’m trying to get at, is at the heart of this country is some deep racial animus that animates the very communities we’re trying to lift up,” Eddie Glaude Jr., chair of the African American department at Princeton University told the panel.
“Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough replied: “I have to repeat it again because it’s maddening. People who live by data should die by data, and the data according to Nate Cohn of the New York Times says this, and let those who have ears to hear, hear: The very people who helped elect Barack Obama president of the United States twice just elected in Wisconsin, in Michigan, in Ohio and Pennsylvania, Donald J. Trump. It’s the data.”

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21 Comments on Michael Moore: They Voted For A Guy Named ‘Hussein’ Twice, Trump Voters Are Not Racist

  1. What manner of epiphany is this?
    Moore dares speak a fact?
    Will miracles never cease?

    “And it was spoke: ‘Into the fattest, thickest head, some spark of the true light shall shine …'”
    (actually, I made that up)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Next thing you know Leonardo diCraprio and his Hollywood ilk will be denying global climate cooling change! (Oh, wait, they already do that implicitly with their ‘carbon feetprints’ the size of a small foreign country like Canada)

  3. Mikey is hedging his bets.
    America is at the start of a massive cultural revolution.
    Even Fat Boy can see that, and he is tentatively repositioning his future brand image.
    He’ll always be an anti-American scorpion
    But he sees the Ferguson/MoveOn/BLM circus is about to be shut down, and hard.


  4. Poor Michael is conflicted. he’s trying to deal with the fact that he agrees with Donald Trump and his supporters on some important things. He has a big fat streak of midwest populism in him. “Roger & Me”, the film that first brought him fame, could in many ways have been a Trump commercial.

  5. I’m pretty sure the only racist candidate in the election was the one who called KKK member Robert Byrd her “friend and mentor”. The one who called blacks “super predators” who must be “brought to heel”. The one whose campaign staff called Mexicans “needy”, blacks and muslims “never do wells”. The one who is married to a man who said that Obama would have been a servant a few years ago.

    The real racists are the ones who voted for that wonky eyed she-devil with the bad dentures and brain damage.

  6. @Reina, yeah I know, with all that ill gotten filthy lucre you would think she would have some implants put in, those old caps are looking a little long in the tooth.
    I would like some implants, since I earned all my money, cannot afford them.
    A dentist won’t work on people who are sick, that may be the ticket.

  7. Moore is NOT shifting to the right. He is in NYC today with the protesters. He was on the news shouting that DJT was not legitimately elected, and they (protesters) will NOT give up.

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