Michael Sam Says – I’d Still Be In the NFL if I Hadn’t Come Out – IOTW Report

Michael Sam Says – I’d Still Be In the NFL if I Hadn’t Come Out

Uh huh.

That’s why you quit, before you were cut, from the Canadian Football League too.

I got news for ya, Starfish,Tebow can’t find a team and he’s better than you. Is it because he’s gay?


ht/ JCLady



18 Comments on Michael Sam Says – I’d Still Be In the NFL if I Hadn’t Come Out

  1. Methinks he doth protest too much. Makes one wonder if he “came out” before the NFL draft because he knew deep down that he didn’t have the talent to play on Sundays and he could use his “gayness” as a convenient excuse when he didn’t make it (or as a means of sympathy / self promotion to make a “career” of being “that great football player that was discriminated against because he was gay”).

    Bottom line is that he doesn’t have the skills or talent to play in the NFL regardless of his sexual predilections. .

  2. Face it Mikey, your gayness interfered with the killer instinct required to play the game. Your gayness was the reason you failed. Now except it, and go start a Bead and Breakfast in San Fran, live happy, and shut the fuck up.

  3. Ummm, I really don’t think he woke up one morning recently and said, “Ya know, I think I’ll see how playing the whiny, little fairy-victim about this today goes”
    I suspect he’s had a little practice at this act and that’s the real reason he’s not in the NFL!

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